Page 7 of Charmed

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“Warren, I figured the information was very important if you commanded one of my officers to do something.”

I take another calming breath at his words. I don’t have a problem being an asshole to the mayor because, well, the man himself is an asshole a lot of time, but I do feel a trace of guilt for making the cop uneasy. I make a mental note to make sure he’s taken care of for going out of his way for me.

“Sean,” I say in a warning tone.

“All right, all right.” He rattles off the man’s information and also tells me he had an officer run by the man’s place. When he didn’t see the car he has registered to him, he tried his work next and he was there. Fredrik Paige.

“Thanks,” I clip, already reaching for my coat.

“Let’s do drinks next—” I hit the end call button on the screen, cutting him off, before pocketing my phone. I write down the name of the man who kissed my girl Charlie today and hand it to Andrew.

“I want everything on him,” I tell him before heading toward the door.

Andrew jumps up and chases after me. “Let me take you. It will be faster.” When I open the front door I see it’s starting to snow. “Besides, it’s not the best neighborhood at night,” he adds. I can handle myself, but I don’t know how things are about to go down when I find Charlie.

“I’m driving,” I tell him. Andrew smiles before tossing me the keys. “Start pulling up everything you can on this Fredrik. I want to know how he knows Charlie and how close they are.” I grip the steering wheel hard after I slide into the car, thinking about his mouth on her. The kiss didn’t look deep or really even intimate. More like two friends, but maybe I’m telling myself that right now so I don’t lose it.

I wait for the gate to open before pulling out of the driveway and onto to street. I know once I get on the highway it will only be a ten-minute drive to the community center. I floor it when I hit the highway. Andrew lets out a string of curses, but I ignore him. When we finally reach the center, I jump out, leaving the keys in the ignition. Andrew looks askance at my attempt at parking, but I ignore him.

I push through the door and spot Fredrik right way. He’s standing alone at the front desk. I glance back over my shoulder to see Andrew has gotten out of the car and is leaning up against it casually outside, shaking his head at me.

Fredrik looks up. He looks to be in his early twenties, like the boy next door with his dirty-blonde hair and light blue eyes. He smiles at me like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He looks more like the type my girl should be with. Probably nice and doesn’t have a driving need to own her. I wonder how this is going to go down. Either way I’ll be getting the information I need.

Andrew was able to give me a little bit of information on Fredrik already that I can use to get what I want.

“The girl,” I throw out as I come up to the counter he’s behind and place my hands flat on it. This only makes me smile bigger. I can tell he knows who I am. Either from the parade or he knows who I am in general. “Don’t make me ask again. You’re lucky I don’t come over the counter for you kissing her already.”

He laughs. I’m over the counter. He steps back, putting his hands up. “Calm down, big man. I’m just the best friend.” I take another step toward him. Yeah, sure, friend. No way someone could be her friend and not want more. “Gay best friend,” he adds.

“Still don’t give a shit. Keep your fucking hands and mouth to yourself.”

His hand drops and he shakes his head. “I think I’m going to like you.”

“Where is she?” I push.

“You really want her don’t you? Like, more than some fuck.” He leans back, still casual.

“Say she’s some fuck again.” I close the rest of the distance between us. I stare down at Fredrik. The guy is at least six feet tall, but I still have inches over him.

“You might want to cool it some before you go see her. Something is bothering her and I think it’s more than whatever you two have going on, but I didn’t push,” he tells me. I relax a little. He’s not only going to tell me where to find her but he’s giving me something about her. I want it and will probably do just about anything to have it. I’m guessing brute force isn’t going to be the way. If this is her best friend, it’s best to be in his good graces.

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