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He strode down the short aisle, briefcase in hand, elegant winter coat draped over his arm. As usual he wore a gorgeous suit, this one the darkest charcoal gray, with a standard white shirt and pale, silvery silk tie. The two pilots exited the cockpit, offering him a greeting and he nodded in return.

“May I take your items for you, Mister Worth?” The smile on the flight attendant’s face was downright suggestive. She thrust her ample chest out and cocked her head, her pale blonde bangs falling over her eyes prettily.

Tessa ran a self-conscious hand over her hair. It had been particularly out of control this morning and she’d tied it back into a low ponytail after wasting too many precious minutes despairing over it. She wore only a bit of mascara, face powder and lip balm whereas the flight attendant’s makeup was utter perfection.

She felt plain, as if she blended into the walls and she plucked at an imaginary thread on her second-hand black wool pants. Her sister had discovered a lovely little thrift shop in Brooklyn that they both frequented often. It allowed Tessa a broader wardrobe, and she stuck to classic shapes and basic items. Anything trendy she couldn’t afford. Despite her more than adequate salary, designer clothing and shoes were mostly out of reach.

Luckily enough, Worth comped many items from their lines, wanting their employees to be seeing wearing the brand. She wore a Worth scarf and belt, and her black leather boots were Worth as well though from the winter line two years ago.

Alex handed his coat to the flight attendant with nary a word, keeping his briefcase with him. He settled in the seat directly across from Tessa, much to her shocked delight, his knee brushing against hers in the cramped space.

That accidental touch spiraled throughout her body like hundreds of fluttering birds brushing their wings all over her skin. She glanced up, caught Alex staring at her, his gaze hard, probing. Licking suddenly dry lips, she offered a tentative smile and his eyes softened though he didn’t smile in return.

“Have you ever flown before, Tessa?” His voice was low, almost intimate, as if he spoke only for her ears.

Slowly she shook her head, mesmerized by the way he stroked the armrest with the tips of his fingers. Could only imagine those fingers touching her. “I’ve never had the opportunity, no.”

“You’re nervous.”

His statement surprised her. “How can you tell?”

“You’re clutching your hands together so tight, your knuckles are white.”

Glancing down, she saw her hands resting in her lap, fingers curled around each other, knuckles white just as he said. She relaxed her grip, disentangling her hands so she could rest them on the plush, padded armrests. “I am a bit—apprehensive.”

He smiled. It was small, just a bare curve of his sensuous lips, not even flash of teeth but it was so beautiful, so unexpected, the sight of it took her breath away. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. You’re perfectly safe.”

“But the plane is so small.” She glanced around, saw the flight attendant glaring at her from where she stood preparing coffee. Only one cup, most likely for Alex and she’d probably made none for her.

“The pilots in charge of the plane are excellent. If I put my trust in their hands, then surely you can too.” He took the cup of coffee offered to him by the flight attendant. “Thank you, Lora. Do you have a cup prepared for Miss Crawford?”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Her apology didn’t sound particularly sincere. “I’ll get a cup for you right away.”

Lora started to leave, but Alex stopped her. “Aren’t you going to ask Miss Crawford how she takes her coffee?”

The flight attendant turned and faced Tessa, her expression like a brittle mask. “How would you like your coffee, miss?”

“Cream but no sugar, please.” Lora offered a stiff nod before turning on her heel and walking away.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Tessa murmured to Alex when Lora was out of earshot.

He scowled. “She ignored you. It was rude.”

A thrill moved through Tessa at his defending her. Not that it meant anything, not really. He was just being polite. Taking care of his employee, nothing more nothing less.

The flight attendant returned in moments with Tessa’s coffee and offered it without a word. Tessa took it with a whispered thanks, clutching the warm cup as Alex asked for Lora’s assistance with setting up the thin tabletop that pulled out between the two chairs. Lora was full of flirtatious banter and irritating giggles, practically batting her eyelashes every time Alex looked in her direction. Tessa thought the woman was making a fool of herself.

Alex didn’t seem particularly interested, either, despite the fact the woman was certainly his type. Tessa had seen enough photos of him in the tabloids and fashion magazines, usually with a gorgeous, extremely thin but big-breasted blonde model on his arm wearing the most stylish gowns money could buy and the biggest smile on her face. Not that Tessa could blame one of them for the smiles.

Oh, she would give anything to be one of those coveted women, her arm curled through his or perhaps his arm around her waist, his fingers burning into her side. Her smile would light up all of Manhattan if that were ever to happen…

The plane moved, starting forward with a jolt that caused Tessa to jerk in her seat, spilling coffee all over the front of her blouse. “Oh, no.”

Tugging the front of the drenched, suddenly hot shirt away from her, she gazed down at the stain, embarrassment making her cheeks heat. She’d packed well, of course, but she had no idea where her suitcase was or if it was easily accessible, especially now that the plane was in motion and most likely preparing for takeoff.

“My God, are you all right?” Alex shoved the table back into its slot and reached for her, plucking the mostly empty cup of coffee out of her hand and handing it to Lora. “Why didn’t you help her?”

Lora wiped the smirk off her face and took the cup with a solemn nod. “I’ll get some napkins.”

Tessa pulled the shirt away from her as best she could, tried to keep the coffee from seeping into her bra or onto her skin. She felt a sticky mess, completely embarrassed Alex would see her like this. A man so impeccable, who demanded perfection everywhere he turned. What would he think of her with her stained shirt and klutzy ways?

He stood, taking the proffered bunch of napkins from Lora, not remotely affected by the moving plane’s increasing speed across the tarmac. “Get a wet washcloth,” he demanded. She hurried away to do his bidding, and Tessa watched with complete amazement as he knelt before her and started to wipe at the front of her shirt.

“I’ll take care of it.” She tried to jerk away from his ministrations but he reached out, his fingers locking around her shoulder, strong as steel and completely immobilizing her.

“Let me help you.” His eyes were a potent mix of blue sky and gray smoke, his fingers gentling about her shoulder. “You didn’t burn yourself did you?”

She shook her head. That he was concerned touched her deeply. “I don’t think so.”

With his free hand, he rubbed the bunched napkins across her stomach, her belly fluttering at his impersonal touch. He never, ever touched her, minus the first time they met when he had shaken her hand and earlier when his knee had brushed against hers.

She wasn’t sure she’d be able to take it much longer. It was completely impersonal, meant absolutely nothing besides offering his help. Yet she’d never reacted so strongly, had never wanted a man to touch her as much as she wanted him.

It was the most ridiculous, most futile thing she’d ever wished for in her life.

“The coffee was hot,” he murmured, his gaze dropping to where his hand rested on the bottom of her shirt, his index finger flicking at a button. “You should check for burns.”

If he unbuttoned her shirt, she didn’t know what she would do. “I’m fine, really.”

His gaze met hers once more, smoldering with an intensity she’d never noticed before. “You brought a change of clothes.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Um, I don’t know where my suitcase is.” She shrugged, held her breath when she felt his fingers again messing with the last button on her shirt.

As if he wanted to undo it.

Lora appeared with a damp white washcloth and handed it to Alex, the look on her face contrite. “We’re preparing to takeoff within the next ten minutes. I suggest you sit in your seat and get your seatbelt on, Mister Worth.”

“As soon as we find Tessa’s suitcase,” he answered, removing his hands from Tessa so he could turn and glare up at Lora. “Where is it?”

She visibly swallowed, her gaze cutting to Tessa briefly. “I’ll grab it.”

The plane slowed, rounding a bend that caused Tessa to sway in her seat. She still wasn’t buckled and she fumbled for the seatbelt, clicking it into place. Alex reached and undid the belt. “That won’t be necessary.”

She watched with disbelief as he stood and offered his hand. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?”

“I’m taking you to the private bedroom.”

Her jaw dropped. “This plane has a private bedroom?”

“You can change in there.” He thrust his hand in front of her. “Come with me, Tessa.”

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