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It was best. She deserved the best.

While out, he’d also purchased shoes and accessories for Tessa’s outfit. The stores had promised delivery of all the items to the hotel to Tessa and when he’d finally come back to the suite, she wasn’t in sight though her door had been closed. Neither were the items he had delivered. He figured they were in the room with her.

Alex ran a hand through his hair. He wished he was in the room with her too.

Last night’s dinner had been a study in torture. So beautiful, so sweet, once he’d calmed Tessa down over the charity event, she’d relaxed. Full of laughter and stories—as well as full of good wine—she’d enjoyed herself, devouring the plate of delicious food, munching on the irresistible bread and asking for another basket. She’d even indulged in dessert, sharing the plate with him and he’d been so damn tempted to feed her a bite. Bad enough he’d watched her lick chocolate sauce from the corner of her mouth.

It had all been rather intimate. Like a date, though she hadn’t seemed aware of it.

He’d been. Extremely aware. Of the way her knees brushed against his throughout the night, how they’d clasped hands for those few moments when he’d reassured her. How the candlelight had given her an ethereal glow, her dark hair tumbling over her shoulders, fueling his imagination. He could envision her long hair spread out across his pillow while he had her naked and pinned beneath him in bed. Her plump breasts crushed against his chest, her legs spread, cradling his hips as he slowly entered her for the first time…

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” The door to her room swung open, and she stepped out. He heard her heels clicking on the bare floor. “Do I look okay?”

Turning in the direction of her voice, he stopped, his mouth gone dry at the vision before him.

She was a goddess clad in virginal white, her hair up, sparkly earrings swinging from her ears. The dress didn’t reveal much…was rather modest in appearance but that didn’t matter. She was a vision covered in white tulle and sparkling stones. The skirt was a frothy concoction that fell to the floor and sparkled with diamante accents.

“Turn around,” he commanded, his voice hoarse.

She did as he asked, revealing the sexy back of her gown. Constructed of sheer, sparkling net and intricate lace, a row of satin buttons led down from the base of her neck to the middle of her shoulder blades. He could see her skin, the bare curve of her neck an utter temptation and he clenched his hands into fists. Afraid he might reach out and touch her, tear the gown from her body and ravish her where she stood.

“Do you like it?” she asked once she faced him again.

He nodded, struggling to find his voice, let alone a sliver of control. To say he merely liked it was a gross understatement. “You look—perfect.”

She smiled with relief, her cheeks rosy, her eyes so dark in contrast to her flushed skin. She’d covered her lips with the trademark ruby red lipstick, drawing his attention to the lush ripeness of her mouth. If he kissed her, would he wear her mark? He didn’t mind the thought of smudged lipstick smeared across his lips.

Alex frowned. He’d lost all sensibility when it came to this woman. She had him thinking like a fool. Even scarier? He didn’t seem to mind.

“Thank you for finding the dress for me. For all of it.” She grabbed hold of her skirt with both hands and twirled from side to side like a little girl. “I feel like a fairy princess.”

“You look like one.” He went to her, curving his hand around her elbow so he could steer her toward the door. “A car is waiting for us in front of the hotel. Are you ready?”

“Yes, I am.” She smiled nervously as he led her out of the room.

Within minutes they were in the car and pulling away from the hotel, the driver maneuvering with practiced skill through the hectic traffic. Tessa sat next to him, her fingers twisted in her tulle skirts, her delectable scent wrapping all around him, making him drunk on her essence. Reaching out, he laid his hand over both of hers, stilling her movements. “You’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

“I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake,” she confessed.

“Just follow my lead.” He squeezed her hand, then reluctantly moved it off of hers. “You did an excellent job today keeping us on task during the opening.”

“I think the launch turned out wonderful, don’t you?” She turned toward him, her face lighting up at the change of topic. “So many people there and lots of media came too.”

“Hunter and his team did a great job rounding them up.”

“You did a great job charming all of them.”

He grimaced. “The schmoozing part of this job, I hate it.”

“No one would ever guess. You’re rather skilled at it.”

“I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.”

She stifled a giggle. “It’s a compliment, at least from me.”

“Thank you.” He stared at her a little too long and she glanced away, looking vaguely uncomfortable. The very last emotion he wanted her to invoke.

Christ, could he do nothing right? The woman made him feel like a fumbling teenager with his first girl, unsure of what to do, what to say next.

“Is the place far from the hotel?” she asked.

“We should be there in a few minutes.” Breathing deep, he worked at gaining control of his urges. Having her so close, in such a small space, she played havoc with his senses, his thoughts. He’d always believed she was beautiful, but no word came close to describing her this evening.

She was stunning. Such a beauty it almost hurt to look at her.

Not that he stopped looking at her. More like he couldn’t resist.

With the traffic easing as they drew closer, they arrived at the plaza in minutes. The front of the building was swarming with people, there was a red carpet area set up where everyone could enter, pausing to take photos before they walked inside.

Tessa grabbed his hand, hers chilled to the bone as she clutched him tight. “We probably shouldn’t be photographed together.”

“Why not? I told you it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“The media will get hold of it and run with a made up story. Trust me. I read the tabloids, I know how they operate.” She sounded petrified.

“Rhett keeps them plenty occupied. No one is paying attention to me. We’re fair away from all of the gossip so stop worrying.” He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and let go just as the car pulled to a stop. “I’ll help you out.”

The driver opened the door moments later and Alex climbed out of the car, turning to offer her his hand. She set her hand in his and let him pull her to her feet, her layers of tulle and silk skirts falling to the ground as she stood.

The crowd went wild as they walked down the red carpet, their hands still clasped, all of them shouting his name in various accents. She tried to duck her head. He knew she probably wished she could melt into the floor, but he tugged on her hand, pulling her closer. “Hold your head up high,” he urged.

She did as he demanded. She always did which pleased him to no end. Lifting her chin, she offered the cameras a smile, her dramatically red lips parting to reveal straight white teeth. The flashes popped like crazy, the photographers asking who his lady friend was.

“An old family friend,” he said mysteriously, slipping his arm around her slender waist and holding her close, his hand resting on the curve of her hip.

“What are you wearing tonight, miss?” one of the female reporters asked Tessa.

“Valentino and Worth,” she said, her lilting voice carrying on the breeze.

The local media murmured their approval at her choice of an Italian designer.

“Let’s go inside.” He guided her down the walkway, offering a quick wave to the last bunch of reporters before they entered the building. Inside music swelled, an orchestra playing in the ballroom and the dull roar of endless conversation sounded, like a swarm of bees coming closer and prepared to attack.

They approached the ballroom’s closed double doors, his hand at her back, her stature stiff and shoulders tense. Her nerves were unsettling and he wished he could calm her somehow, some way. Glancing about, he realized they were all alone so he did what he’d been dying to do from the day he first saw her.

Turning into her, he cupped her cheek with his free hand, tilting her face up so her gaze met his. Her dark eyes went wide, her lips parted and he swooped in, taking advantage.

He kissed her.

Chapter Five

Tessa froze, shocked at the sensation of Alex’s lips pressed against hers. They were soft, there and gone before they settled upon hers once again. Longer this time, his mouth lingered on hers. His lips parted, and she felt his hot breath mingle with her own before he finally pulled away.

“W—why did you do that?” Her voice shook. She sounded like a complete ninny, but she couldn’t believe it.

Alex just kissed her.

“I need you to be calm,” he murmured, his fingers drifting down her cheek before his hand fell away. “I need you to be confident. And more than anything, you need to pretend you’re with me. Just for tonight.”

That wouldn’t be a hardship. But still. She didn’t understand. He could have anyone and yet he chose her? “I don’t know how convincing we’ll be. I mean, you’re my boss. Up until a few days ago I couldn’t bring myself to call you by your first name. And now you want me to pretend that you’re my—boyfriend?”

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