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Every single one of those messages was from Annalisa.

They ran the gamut, from angry and threatening to sweet and cajoling. So many words, so many messages, so much energy and effort put into that list of texts, Cat became overwhelmed just scrolling through them.

So she quit, hitting the button that would delete them all and remove them from her phone.

The voicemails needed to be tackled next. She listened to the one left by her mother. It was a sobbing, impassioned plea for her to return and how much her mother needed her. Cat didn’t doubt she meant what she said.

She was so tired of being at her mother’s—and her sister’s—beck and call. Sick of it. They needed to live their lives on their own.

As did she.

The other twenty-two—yes, twenty-freaking-two—voicemails were from Annalisa. She didn’t listen to any of them but the final one, which was left two hours ago.

“You said you’d return soon, and I hope you were telling the truth, Catalina. You’re needed at Campioni. At home, for Mama and for me. Father’s been making noise, saying he’ll take the business away from me if both of his girls aren’t here to run it properly.” Annalisa took a deep breath, sounding as if she needed to fortify herself. “You can’t ever leave us. I won’t let Rafael Renaldi take you away again. I mean it. Whatever it takes, Cat. Whatever it takes.”

Icy dread slid down Cat’s spine and she saved the message, though she wasn’t sure why. Annalisa’s threat scared her, more for Rafe than anything else. What did her sister mean, “whatever it takes”? What did she think she could do to Rafe to keep her away from him? Her sister had never been violent person. An angry one, yes indeed.

But violence? She didn’t think Annalisa had it in her.

Could she?

Deciding to chance it, Cat brought up her sister’s name in her call list and dialed her, knowing that Annalisa probably wouldn’t be awake. Which might work out better, because then she could leave a voicemail saying she was perfectly fine and offer up the time when she would arrive.

And that was exactly what happened. Annalisa’s voicemail answered and Cat left a message, reassuring her sister that she was all right, she was safe and returning home soon, and that she had something specific she needed to discuss with both of them.

“My life is changing,” Cat murmured into her phone. “And it’s for the better. I hope you can see that and support me. I need your support. I love you.”

“Who are you talking to?”

She dropped the phone on the ground, muttering a low curse when it hit the floor with a loud thud. Reaching down, she grabbed it, nerves making her shake as Rafe approached.

“Catalina. Who were you talking to?” He sounded angry, his expression dark and unreadable, and she stared up at him, frowning.

“I was leaving a message for Annalisa,” she answered. “I figured it was better to contact her and let her know when we would be arriving.”

“Oh.” Looking chastised, he sat on the couch beside her, completely naked and painfully beautiful. “I’m sure that was a good idea. Hopefully she’ll understand.”

“Who did you think I was talking to?” He’d sounded almost jealous, which was ridiculous because he knew her situation. There wasn’t a thing for him to be jealous about.

“I don’t know. A secret boyfriend?” He blew out a frustrated breath, running his fingers through his messy dark hair. “I’m an ass, but I couldn’t help the thought crossing my mind. No one wants to stagger out into their living room half-asleep only to find their woman whispering into her cell phone how much she loves the person she’s talking to.”

She could almost laugh at the possessive tone in his voice, but thought it unwise. “I was trying to reassure Annalisa that everything was fine and they didn’t need to send out the police force in search of me. Knowing her, she’s already done so.”

“You don’t really believe that…do you?” Rafe asked, his voice cautious.

“I’m joking.” She nudged him, but he remained stiff beside her. “Rafe, really. She wouldn’t do something like that. I was trying to be funny.”

Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees, looking pensive. “I wouldn’t put it past her, Cat. She’s rather…unhinged. And she hates me. Or wants me—I can’t quite figure it out.”

Shock ripped through her, and she leapt to her feet. “What did you just say?”

He gazed up at her, his eyes dark and full of misery. “She came on to me once. The night I kissed you.”

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