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She dropped her gaze, ashamed. “I’m sorry.”

“Hey.” He slipped his fingers beneath her chin, lifting so her gaze met his. “I’m not angry. There’s no need to apologize.”

He was kind. Gentle. Why had she believed the various media reports? Worse, why had she believed her angry, slightly crazed sister? “Let’s dance,” she suggested. “Will you dance with me, Rafe?”

Slowly, he nodded, his thumb stroking across her chin. Tingles swept her skin, making her lightheaded. “Yes. As long as you don’t laugh and point while I make a spectacle of myself.”

His words made her laugh and he grinned in return. “See? You’re already laughing.”

“Stop.” She stepped closer to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He was easier to reach, what with the incredibly high heels she wore. “Thank you,” she whispered against his bristly skin.

Turning his head, he aligned their lips almost perfectly. “For what?”

“For being so sweet.” She grew lightheaded, having him so close. His arm slipped around her waist, holding her to him, and she rested her hands against his chest, enjoying the intimacy of their position.

“You make it easy.” He kissed her, a light brushing of lips she could almost believe didn’t happen at all. “Don’t let anyone else know, though.”

She laughed again, squeaked when he kissed her once more. “Maybe you’ll get lucky and a slow song is next.”

“That would be perfect.” He led her onto the dance floor, the song ending the moment they found a spot. As if on cue, a slow song started next, the lights dimming intimately. A third of the crowd vacated the floor, leaving them plenty of room to dance.

“I think you arranged this,” he told her as he slipped his arms around her waist, his big hands resting at the small of her back, his fingers nearly brushing her backside.

Cat almost wished they would. The thought of those strong, capable hands sliding over her butt made her shiver. “Oh yes, I have secret connections here, just like you.”

“You really believed we’d have to stand in line, didn’t you?”

“I did,” she admitted, slipping her arms around his neck, noting the smooth way he started swaying to the music. “You’re not a bad dancer.”

“Anyone can dance like this, especially when they have a beautiful woman in their arms. A fast song starts again, and I’ll end up looking like an idiot trying to keep up. Trust me.”

She warmed at his complimentary words, at the way he stared at her. Practically willing his hands to slip lower, she stepped in closer to him, wanting him close, as close as two people could possibly get. Letting her gaze drop, she studied the strong lines of his throat, idly wondering what his skin might taste like…

They danced quietly, lost in each other’s arms, the sensuous, slow beat of the song. Cat pressed her forehead against his jaw, closed her eyes as she breathed in his scent, withheld the gasp that threatened when those hands did exactly what she wanted. Sliding along her backside, his touch lingered, and she wished they were somewhere else. Anywhere else but here.

Preferably back at his apartment, in his room, in his bed.

Melting against him, she swayed, nestling her fingers in his silky soft hair, stroking it. Her mind raced with thoughts of their future. Could they make this work? Did he really want her or was she merely a conquest he wanted to add to his never-ending list? Or worse, was he trying to prove a point? Showing her how good they could’ve been together before he left her in the dust, reminding her that she was the one who wanted to end it in the first place?

Oh, she really hoped all of her thoughts were untrue.

“You smell good,” he whispered.

“Thank you.” She inhaled his intoxicatingly spicy scent. “So do you.”

His arms tightened around her waist, bringing her flush against his body. “Cat, maybe we should…”

The music ended, switching to an incredibly fast song, and people flooded the floor, crowding all around them as they stood still in each other’s arms. She looked into his eyes, saw all the heat and want in their depths and she withdrew from his embrace. Unreasonable fear gripped her, making her want to break the tension, and she flashed him a smile, hoping he understood her motives.

“I’m dancing,” she declared, earning an eyebrow raise from Rafe. “Join me?”

Slowly shaking his head, he said, “No. But I’ll watch you.”

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