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Tomorrow, she would start looking for another job. Discreetly. She knew he might protest when she gave notice, but he wouldn’t hold a grudge. He would give her a stellar recommendation and never step in her way. Unlike the other couple she’d worked for previously. Both of them had been hell-bent on destroying her, threatening her. Screaming she would never work as a nanny in Manhattan again.

Paige frowned. Why was she thinking of Paul and Carolyn Leonard tonight of all nights? She’d pushed them from her thoughts the day she met Claudia Renaldi in a coffee shop and was offered this job. Matteo’s mother had saved her life that dreary, rainy day. She’d been this close to leaving the city for good, going back home, to the small Midwest town where she lived her entire life, with her tail tucked between her legs. Enduring the “I told you so’s” her parents would’ve no doubt handed out to her on a daily basis until she finally found another job and solid ground.

And even then, her mother and father would’ve probably never let her live this mistake down.

It frightened her, thinking of leaving the Renaldi home, starting somewhere new. But she was starting to realize she didn’t have much of a choice. Her feelings for her boss grew stronger and stronger as each day passed.

And they were useless. Harmful.

“So Mama told me you’re looking into putting Matty in an all-day school soon,” Stasia said after their dinners had been consumed and they were all too lazy to get up from their chairs.

Paige turned to look at Stasia, trying her best to appear as if Stasia’s words didn’t affect her. Beside her, Matteo stiffened, his entire body gone still. “That would be incorrect,” he said, his voice dark and edged with steel. As if he didn’t want to discuss the matter any longer.

Most likely he didn’t want to discuss it in front of her.

Stasia frowned, stealing a glance in Paige’s direction before returning her inquisitive gaze to her brother. “But she told me that was your plan. That it was high time for Matty to get into the proper preschool he needs to prepare for…”

“It’s not true,” Matteo interrupted. “Though I have made some inquiries for a preschool where he would attend half the day, two days a week, nothing’s final yet. And he certainly isn’t ready to go to an all-day school five days a week. He’s too young.”

Worry flooded Paige and she tried her best to keep it together. It wouldn’t do, falling apart in front of her boss and his family. Bad enough she was on the verge of tears.

And was he trying to tell her she was unneeded? Or worse, that she would go to part-time wages? She was saving every dime she made, paying whatever small bills she had and stashing the rest in a savings account. This job wouldn’t last forever and she knew eventually she would need to move and find her own place.

She just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon.

“When will Matty start his new school, then?” Paige asked, her voice soft. If she acted confrontational, her behavior would get her nowhere.

He turned to look at her, his expression unreadable. No surprise. The man was a mystery she was desperate to solve. “I don’t know. Like I mentioned, nothing’s been confirmed.”

“But I’m assuming it will be soon. After all, Matty isn’t quite four yet. Preschool is the next logical step.” She kept her voice calm, neutral, but deep within, she was reeling. Coming undone.

“You’re worrying over nothing, Paige,” he said quietly, as if he sensed she was about to break apart. “You’ll still be under my employ fulltime.”

“Of course.” She nodded once and even managed to smile. But it felt fake. The way he looked at her, she knew he knew it was fake.

“Are you all right? You don’t seem yourself this evening.” His direct gaze met hers, assessing, seeing everything. She thought she’d been so discreet.

Wrong. He could read her better than she realized.

That he was aware of her discomfort bothered her even more. She was a terrible liar and had never been good at holding back her emotions. The weakness got her into trouble more often than not. Offering him another brief, fake smile, she said, “I’m fine. Really.”

“Maybe we should talk later. I’ve been meaning to, just haven’t found the time. There are a few things I’d like to ask you, Paige.” Reaching out, he settled his hand over hers on the table, giving it a brief squeeze before his hand dropped away.

She felt the flex of his fingers as if he’d literally squeezed her heart and never let it go.

And she was being so melodramatic she should probably chastise her mere thoughts for overreacting. “What do you want to talk about?”

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