Page 41 of Tempted by Her Boss

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All over his naked body…

Banishing the distracting thought, he nodded toward several acquaintances as they passed by. The building was crowded, filled to the brim with the top movers and shakers of all aspects in the fashion industry. Clothing designers, jewelry designers, photographers, models, magazine editors, makeup artists and a sprinkling of celebrities. The annual event was huge. One of the biggest nights for the industry.

He was proud to have Paige on his arm, though he saw the curious looks, the whispered “Who is that with Renaldi?” as they passed by. She was a mystery, making everyone curious, and he wondered for the briefest moment if it had been smart, bringing her after all.

She was a private person, young and inexperienced with the jaded circles he moved within on a daily basis. Given the opportunity, they would eat her alive, chew her up and spit her back out. He refused to give them the satisfaction but he couldn’t always protect her.

Eventually, if she was going to become a permanent part of his life, she would have to learn how to swim with the sharks.

The thought made him bristle with protectiveness. No wonder he didn’t like bringing Paige out into his world. Not that he was embarrassed—on the contrary, he was proud to have her on his arm. But she was so young, innocent and too kind. If she displayed even a hint of vulnerability, she would be attacked.

He would need to watch out for her at all times.

“There’s Rafe and Vince,” Stasia said and Matteo glanced around, spotting his brothers just inside the ballroom. They approached, everyone eagerly greeting each other, though they were coolly polite to Paige, the bastards.

“Where’s your wife?” Matteo asked, feeling like a jerk the moment the words fell from his lips when he saw the irritation fill Vince’s eyes.

“She’s working,” he bit out, his jaw going tight.

Matteo frowned. “She’s a model. She should want to be here. It’s a huge night.”

Vince shrugged. “She’s in France on a photo shoot. I tried to convince her to come, but she couldn’t make it.”

There was more going on between those two than Vince let on, not that it was any of Matteo’s business. He certainly hadn’t shared much with them when he was having his troubles with Lucia.

They found their table and sat, Matteo making sure Paige was between him and Stasia. He didn’t want his brothers to dig for information by bombarding her with questions. They were skeptical enough and their stern demeanor would only intimidate her. He knew they were just like him in that regard.

She remained quiet for most of the evening, her eyes wide, taking everything in. He’d come to the gala for years, had become almost bored with it but realized it was a rather dazzling event for someone who’d never attended before. The clothes, the jewelry, the famous people who filled the room, it was all heady stuff.

And Paige seemed completely enraptured, occasionally squeezing his arm and whispering in his ear when she recognized someone.

He found it cute. Endearing. Appreciated seeing his life and surroundings through someone else’s eyes. She made him feel young, excited again, incredibly lucky that his family’s business had become so successful, thanks to plenty of hard work on his part, of course.

Looking at her, the sparkle in her pretty bluish green eyes, the wonder in her expression as she took it all in, he realized she made him feel whole.

He was in love with her.

And he needed to tell her.

The awards ceremony started immediately after dinner, but he was distracted. By the way Paige looked as she watched the stage, her rapt attention on every single word that was said. She glanced around in the darkened room, as if hoping she would spot someone, and then she would look at him, a secretive smile curling her lips when their eyes met.

God. He wanted to haul her out of here and take her back home. Pull her into his lap in the limo, hike that long skirt up and fuck her right there. His blood buzzed with arousal, his skin felt as if it were on fire, and he reached for her, taking her hand once again and bringing it up to his mouth. Softly kissing her knuckles, the back of her hand, licking her sweet skin.

“Matteo.” Her voice was a low warning and he smiled, easing his other arm around her shoulders. “You’re distracting me.”

“Perfect. You’ve been doing the same to me all evening.” Leaning in, he dropped a kiss to her bare shoulder, felt her shiver beneath his lips. “I can’t wait to get you out of this dress.”

“I thought you preferred me in the dress,” she said jokingly, her gaze back on the stage, though he knew she was aware of him.

Her slender hand on the inside of his thigh told him so.

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