Page 39 of Tempted by Her Boss

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Because she felt like one. It didn’t matter that she wore a gown that cost more than she’d earned last year or that her hair was sleek and smooth, with subtle waves like a glamorous Hollywood starlet. That she wore cosmetics perfectly applied by one of the best makeup artists in the business, at least according to Stasia, or that she would be soon escorting Matteo Renaldi to the premier fashion industry event of the year.

Midwest bumpkin Paige Stewart was an absolute fraud.

“It will definitely be a good sort of dying,” Stasia said with a nod. “He won’t know what hit him when he catches sight of you.”

Irritated with the praise—and irritated even more when she knew she should be grateful for it—Paige shut off the bathroom light and they both headed out to the living room. Gavin waited for them, already clad in his tuxedo, looking handsome as ever. Stasia wore a fiery red gown, sleek everywhere but the front, where it gathered beneath her breasts and hung loosely, hiding her growing tummy.

Paige’s dress was black lace, floor length, sleeveless. Sexy but sophisticated, Stasia had reassured her when she tried it on at the store. She felt as if she were playing dress up. The black Louboutin heels she wore were both gorgeous and ridiculous and she prayed she wouldn’t end up flat on her face before the night was over.

“Doesn’t she look beautiful, Gavin?” Stasia went to his side, curling her arm through his. He leaned in, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before offering a smile in Paige’s direction. “You look fantastic, Paige.”

“Thank you.”

“And was Matty okay when you left him at the neighbor’s?” Stasia asked.

“He was fine.” Thrilled to be spending the evening with his little friend Nathan, he’d run off without a backward glance when she’d dropped him off earlier, already such a big boy at the mere age of three.

Paige glanced toward the door, chewing on her lower lip. God, if Matteo didn’t show up soon, she was going to be an even worse nervous wreck than she already was.

As if he heard her thoughts, the front door opened and Matteo strode inside, absently shutting the door behind him as he studied his cell phone. He didn’t look up as he entered the living room and Stasia cleared her throat, catching his attention.

“Oh. You’re all already here.” He glanced in Stasia’s and Gavin’s direction, offering them a smile. “Guess I should get my monkey suit on and we can go.”

Stasia inclined her head toward Paige. “Look at your date first. Let her know just how beautiful she looks.”

Matteo looked to his right, his eyes widening when he took her in. Without a word, he went to her, grabbing both of her hands and giving them a squeeze as he leaned in and kissed her square on the lips. “God, Paige, you’re gorgeous.”

She smiled, all the trouble, heartache and bad moods over the last few days suddenly worth it. “Thank you.”

“I have something for you.” He let go of one of her hands to reach inside his suit pocket and pulled out a long, narrow box. “A gift to wear tonight.”

“You shouldn’t have.” With trembling fingers, she opened the box, gasping when she saw what was nestled within.

A simple, delicate gold chain that was so thin, it almost looked as if it might disappear. And hanging from the chain was a giant, round, brilliant diamond pendant. The piece was simple, elegant—and an unmistakable Stasia Renaldi design.

“It’s beautiful,” Paige breathed. “But I can’t wear this.”

“Yes, you will. Turn around.” She did as he asked without question, offering her back to him. He smoothed the heavy, straight strands away from her neck, leaning in close to whisper, “I love what you’ve done with your hair.”

She shivered, didn’t answer him as she heard him pull the necklace from the box. With careful hands he brought it around her neck, setting the clasp into place, his fingers brushing the sensitive skin of her nape before he stepped away. “Now face me.”

When she did so, his gaze lit with pleasure as he slowly drank her in from head to toe. “It looks perfect with her gown,” he told Stasia, never taking his gaze off Paige.

“I agree. I’m pleased to see that you gave her one of my designs, Matt.” Stasia went to her brother and kissed his cheek. “I’m honored at the choice, big brother.”

“Your work is exquisite, as is Paige. They make the perfect pair.” He smiled fondly at his sister, then turned his heated gaze to Paige. “Let me get changed, then we’ll be on our way?”

“Of course,” Paige said, nodding dumbly. Which was probably best else she open her mouth and say something stupid.

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