Page 32 of Tempted by Her Boss

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Snatching one up, Matteo moved closer to her. “I’m not done with you yet,” he murmured, running his fingers down the inside of her thigh, making her flinch. “Don’t pass out on me now.”

She smiled, dropped her arm away from her face, her gaze meeting his. “Sorry. Just needed to catch my breath first.”

“I plan on keeping you perpetually out of breath for the rest of the night.” He returned her smile, rearing up on his knees and tearing open the condom wrapper. “So be prepared.”

Chapter Ten

Paige couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Matteo on his knees, between her spread legs, his erection jutting out from his body as he held the condom wrapper, his other hand gripping the base. Her mouth went dry and she swallowed hard, entranced with the hard, male form on display before her.

Thank goodness for the nearly full moon allowing her to see him so perfectly, even with the lights off. He had such a beautiful body. Wide shoulders and chest, dusted light with dark curling hair. Flat, defined stomach, slim hips, strong thighs, long, thick…

Her cheeks burned at her train of thought, but dear God, the man was near perfection. And he was all hers to play with for the rest of the night.

Once this happens, we can never go back.

His earlier words came back to her, confusing her all over again. What did he mean? Of course, their relationship would change, but did he want to make her a permanent part of his life? She couldn’t even begin to count on it. The disappointment would be too great if it never happened.

And she didn’t think she could deal with having him and then…losing him. It was bad enough, taking it this far. Indulging with Matteo when they both knew they were playing with fire. But she’d wanted it—and went after him relentlessly, finally wearing him down.

Was that all tonight was? After endless chasing, Paige had worn him down and he gave in? She hoped not.

“Your mind, it’s turning and working and coming up with all sorts of problems for you to worry about,” he said as he came over her, his face hovering above hers.

The frown she didn’t even realize she wore on her face deepened, she could feel it. “How can you tell?”

“Right here.” He drew his finger down between her eyebrows, stopping at the bridge of her nose. “You get this cute, tiny frown line right there. I can always tell your brain is on overload when that little crease appears.”

She raised her brows, trying to straighten the line she didn’t know existed so he couldn’t call her out on overthinking any longer. “How’s that?”

“Better.” He kissed her there, his lips soft, easing her tension and worry, and she closed her eyes, falling under his gentle spell. “Turn your brain off, bella. And just feel.”

He moved over her body, his mouth, his hands everywhere. Ratcheting up the fever within her all over again, pushing her to her very limits in minutes, until she thought she might burst. She could feel his erection brush against her thigh, her belly, her hip, and she reached out, wrapped her fingers around his thick girth and gave him a firm squeeze.

“Christ,” he choked out, sounding in absolute agony. “Watch out or I might come all over your pretty little fingers.”

If that wasn’t the hottest thing she’d ever heard in her life, she didn’t know what was. “Maybe I want you to,” she encouraged as she opened her eyes, stroking him again because yes, she wanted to see this larger-than-life, intimidating man lose complete control.

All because of her.

“No, you don’t. I’m not about to let that happen.” He settled his hand over hers and carefully removed her fingers, then reared up, grabbing the condom once again and slipping the condom over his shaft. He repositioned himself over her, his erection probing her entry, teasing her and she arched up, trying to take him in. “I’m going to make you mine the proper way.”

His words sent a shiver through her. He had no idea just how much she wanted to be his. Forever.

Slowly he pushed inside her and she spread her legs, sending him deeper. They both moaned, and she closed her eyes, lost to the sensation of Matteo entering her body for the first time. He was so thick, filled her so completely, and he hadn’t even pushed all the way inside yet.

Her body buzzed in anticipation of the complete claiming.

“You feel amazing.”

She opened her eyes, surprised that he stopped moving. His hands were pressed on the mattress on either side of her head, his head hanging over hers, his expression grim. Reaching out, she touched his arm, her fingers caressing his hard-as-a-rock bicep, and he lifted his lids, allowing her to see all the turmoil, the restraint it took for him not to completely lose it and screw her brains out.

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