Page 25 of Tempted by Her Boss

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“Ah. Then it’s Matteo.”

Matteo’s all-knowing mother, more like. How could Paige deny what she said? Claudia had always been too perceptive.

“Are you in love with my son, cara?” Claudia asked softly.

Paige withdrew from the older woman’s embrace, shaking her head. Was she? She didn’t know. But even if she was, she could never admit it. Not to Claudia, not to herself and certainly not to him. “I—care for him.”

“I see.”

“But I’m leaving.” She went to the bed and sat down heavily on the edge, surprised when Claudia joined her and slung her arm around Paige’s shoulders. It was nice, the comfort she offered. Paige had missed her. From the moment Claudia had offered her the job when she was still living with Matteo in New York, Paige had felt a special bond with her. Those few weeks they’d been together, taking care of Matty while Matteo worked so hard, they’d grown especially close. Claudia was like her second mother. “I just don’t think we can work together anymore.”

“I see the way he looks at you,” Claudia offered. “There’s much more than a business relationship between you.”

“Which is why I need to leave.”

“Or stay.”

Paige’s forehead furrowed in confusion. Last time she heeded Claudia’s advice, she’d ended naked in her boss’s tub, and then climaxing like crazy from his fingers. She didn’t really know if she should listen to her now. But here she was, all ears. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Claudia laughed at her obviously curious tone. “I noticed he’s driving you crazy. Though know you probably drive him crazy too.”

“I guess I do.” She glanced down at her lap, watching as she twisted her hands together nervously. “He says he doesn’t want me.”

“And you think he does.” Claudia stated it as fact.

“I thought he did, but I don’t know anymore. The way he behaves, how he treats me. It’s so frustrating. I don’t know what he wants from me anymore.” Paige took a heaving breath, the relief at admitting that freeing.

“Perhaps he doesn’t know what he wants either. Men are confusing creatures. They are also confused creatures. I’m sure part of his problem is that he struggles with the power position he holds over you.”

Paige nodded. There was no need for an answer. This was most likely the biggest struggle Matteo faced when it came to the two of them being together.

“He’s much older than you, you know. I believe that holds him up as well,” Claudia continued.

“Eleven years, that’s it. Big deal,” Paige retorted, clamping her lips shut. She sounded like a snotty brat.

“Ah, but those eleven years can feel like a lifetime to some. You’re only twenty-three, fresh faced and ready to conquer the world. Your entire life is spread out before you and you have so many choices. So much freedom.” Claudia smiled. “Whereas Matteo is older. Established within his career, a widower and a father to a young child. Saddled with much and weary with it too, though he’d never admit it. He probably believes none of that appeals to you.”

“All of it does,” Paige said, frustration making her voice louder. “Everything that makes up Matteo appeals to me. I love how successful he is in his career, how much he works and cares about the family business. I love that he’s a father and is so good and tender with his son. He adores Matty. His eyes light up every time he sees him and that touches my heart so deep, I feel like it’s about to burst.”

Paige paused, noticing how Claudia remained quiet, that knowing little smile still curling her lips. “I love how he treats me like an equal and asks my opinion on so many things. And how welcome he makes me feel in his home, as if I rightfully belong there. He doesn’t treat me like an employee, he treats me like a person.”

“Of course, he does. Matteo is, above all else, always fair. It comes from being the eldest,” Claudia said, her voice full of authority. “He broke up many a battle between his brothers when they were young. He was the one who they all went to for advice.”

She could imagine him, young and handsome, irritated with his brothers yet still patient enough to help them. Supporting everyone in the family with that certain easy way he had. He’d probably indulged Stasia too. She’d admitted that more than once. He was a good man.

So why would he think she didn’t want him? That he didn’t deserve her? It made no sense.

“He—he sometimes acts like he wants me, then pulls away. No, more like he pushes me away.” Paige buried her face in her hands, mortified that she would say such a thing. “You’re his mother. I’m sure you don’t want to hear this.”

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