Page 15 of Tempted by Her Boss

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“No, we overstepped that line months ago.” He paused, his gaze never leaving her. “Matty wants you to go. Please.”

She blushed at the reminder. She could hardly look him in the eye without remembering just how close she’d been to that face last night. How she’d kissed him. She was so mad with desire she was starting to put her job at risk, when she really needed to see the obvious.

“I don’t know if I should…”

But he’d kissed her in return. He still wanted her. She knew it with every fiber in her being…

“And disappoint Matty forever? I don’t think so. You must go.” Amusement tinged his voice. “We’ll leave in an hour. Will that be enough time for you to get ready?”

“I suppose.” Would it be? She wasn’t one for glamming up or with an extensive preparation routine but she wanted to look her best for Matteo.

Foolish, but true.

“We’ll go out for breakfast before we go to the zoo, so don’t worry about eating.” He cleared his throat and pushed away from the doorframe. “Meet us in the foyer, then?”

“Of course.” She nodded, pleasure coursing through her veins as she watched him walk away. She was going to spend the day with Matteo. The man she not-so-secretly wanted. And she was spending time with him because he asked her to, when surely he would’ve avoided her like she was some horrific disease if he was still uncomfortable over what happened between them last night.

Last night…the memories came crashing over her, of her throwing herself at him, saying the most bold, most ridiculous things ever. He’d fallen under the same spell for a brief moment before ending it all too soon.

She needed to get over him. Needed to get over herself and her ridiculous feelings for her boss. They were ridiculous.

Hopelessness settled over her like a heavy, dark cloud. She would never know what it would be like to have Matteo Renaldi in her bed. Having him as her lover was nothing but a futile dream. She needed to cut herself off of him and now. Before she became completely addicted to him.

Matteo strode into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him so hard it shook the frame. Stopping in the middle of the room, he glanced about, his gaze settling on the dresser. Where he’d had Paige only a few months ago, sitting naked on top of it, her legs spread, revealing everything she had to offer. So beautiful, gasping for breath between their drugging kisses, moaning his name while he brought her infinite pleasure with only his fingers…

“Hell,” he growled, thrusting both hands in his hair and tugging so hard it stung. Last night’s kiss had only whetted his appetite. Being near her was too much of a distraction. He was constantly slipping. What made it worse? He wanted to slip.

But he would only hurt her. She wasn’t for him. He knew this. Her reputation could be damaged if word got out she messed around with her boss. Not that he knew how it would get out…

He could not think of his nanny in such a manner. She worked for him. She’d been fired from her previous job because the man—and his wife—thought she was too much of a distraction.

Paige Stewart was the best nanny he’d ever hired—and he wanted her. Desperately. Since that night when he’d found her in his tub touching herself, she’d always lingered in the very dark corners of his mind.

He burned for her. Tremendously. Had done his best to avoid her at all costs, for fear she might do something like…report him for sexual harassment. Or squeal to the media that he was a sexist pig who pushed himself on his innocent employee.

But she remained quiet. A faithful little worker, so good to his son, so good to him and so pleasant to have around. He appreciated Paige, needed Paige.

Wanted Paige.

Taking her to Italy would prove difficult to his sanity. Being back in his homeland relaxed him. He knew having her nearby would be a torture he might not be able to resist. More like he might not want to resist.

And once he let her in, once he had Paige in his bed, he knew it would be hard to let her go. He’d been with women since his wife’s death. Not many, but enough to know his heart had hardened and it didn’t take much for him to have sex with them and then leave with no regret. He hadn’t had a serious relationship since Lucia. Hadn’t wanted one either.

There was something about Paige, though. She softened his heart, made him want to let her in so he could reveal all of his secrets and troubles and dreams to her. She was so sweet, so loving toward his son, so tempting to him…

A soft knock sounded at the door and he went to it, throwing it open to find the very woman herself standing there, a thick white terrycloth robe thrown over her slender body. She shifted on her bare feet and he glanced down, caught sight of those pretty pink-painted toenails and groaned inwardly.

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