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I catch my father staring at us from the doorway. Powerful and fierce. He’s in his element when he’s leading people and making deals happen. I can tell he’s confident in his decision by the way he watches us reverse out of the garage. Dad is right. He’s scrappy. Advanced Security is just as good as IDS and Dad doesn’t always need protecting.

Not like me.

I’ve never left home. Not for long anyway. I grew up with the finest in-home tutors. All the friends I had were children of his influential business associates chosen for me by Marjorie. Even my college courses were taken online from home. Dad didn’t want me going off to college because of bad decisions that could happen there. He meant the party life that some socialites pick over their courses.

I’ve never made bad decisions that may affect my father’s career. I’ve always been obedient and given him anything he’s asked. So, to have this threat against my life, I’ll do as I’m told once again because the truth is, I’m terrified.

A warm hand clutches my shoulder from behind and Leo peeks over the back of the seat. My nerves have me taking his hand and gripping it with my left one.

“Sleep now, sweetness,” he rumbles, his words making my blood hum in my veins.

“Sleep,” Ford agrees, reaching out to grab my right hand. “Let us take care of you.”

As if their words hold magic powers a yawn forces its way out of me.

I close my eyes to attempt to rest, but I’m hyper aware of the way both Leo and Ford hold my hands. Without looking at them I know their eyes are on me. I will sleep to come, but it’s impossible with Ford’s hand clutching my own resting on my thigh close to my heat. It makes me shiver and naughty thoughts race through my mind. Ford starts to pull away and it’s like my leg enjoys the attention because I move my knee over, so that my leg is pressed against his. My legs are parted, but my skirt still covers me.

Peeking my eyes open, I chance a look at Ford. His gaze is now forward and the oncoming headlights light up his features in the dark vehicle, making him seem like some sort of wicked entity. It makes me shiver. He confuses my action with being cold because he releases my hand to palm my thigh just below the hem of my skirt. Back and forth, he rubs my flesh to warm me up. Slowly and softly. It maddens me. Heat floods through me and I grow dizzy.

Just like all the silly romance movies I indulge in over the weekends.

But unlike those stories, he doesn’t slide his hands up and explore me further. Eventually, I give up hope that he’ll touch me and let sleep steal me away.

I can tell the moment she falls asleep. I’m that in tune with the girl. I always have been. My connection goes back to the day she cried out after a nightmare. We’d recently received a threat against her father, Jack, and I’d panicked thinking they’d gotten into the house. I stormed into her bedroom. She sat on her knees in the middle of her bed, her nightgown pushed up her thighs, and her big brown eyes wide with fear. At eighteen, she was too damn beautiful for her own good. If she were my daughter, I would’ve locked her away in the goddamn wine cellar and thrown away the key.

But she’s not my daughter. Fucking far from it.

That night, I went to her and cupped her pretty face in my palm. The moment I touched her skin, I could almost smell her sweet scent. Hell, I could practically taste it. And the allure it had on me was far too dark and depraved. She was so out of my reach, yet I craved to touch her anyway. It was then that I began to notice every detail about her.

I became obsessed. Craving her like nothing before. The fucking forbidden apple, juicy sweet…illicit.

Now, after actually smelling her precious cunt on the toy she used to pleasure herself with earlier today, I’ll never get her free from my mind. She imprinted herself there. I’m her prisoner.

“Where to?” Zac asks, stealing my attention from the sleeping angel in the backseat.

“Upstate. The woods,” I grunt out. My men and I speak in code. Even though we were meticulous in our inspection of the Tahoe, you can never be too sure. There could be bugs and I’d rather not inform the enemy of our destination if they happen to be listening.

“Settle in,” Zac says. “Get some sleep because I don’t feel like we’ll be doing much of that once we get there.”

I know he means because we’ll be on constant watch over sweet little Clove Sterling, but my mind goes there. The same place it goes whenever I jerk off to release tension. Her. Always her. So many times, since that night I touched her soft cheek, I’ve watched her. No longer as a protective paternal figure. Instead, I watch her with lust. An intense craving I’ll never be able to sate. I notice the way her dresses curve over her perky tits and the way the hem falls above her knees, showing off her creamy skin that was meant to be tasted and adored.

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