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“I’m doing it for me as much as I’m doing it for you,” I reply, placing my hand on his shoulder. “Now, lets get you setup with a safe place to keep your money.”

Chapter 20


Trey isn’t saying much as we leave the bank, but I can tell that he feels as incredible as I do after helping Marvin out. It occurs to me that most people would give more to charity if they could see the end results directly like this. Marvin’s transformation was incredible and I really hope he can find his footing. He seems like a good man who just lost his way.

“I hope he finds a job,” I mention as we turn the corner and head toward LaGuardia airport.

“I was thinking the same thing,” Trey replies, lost in thought. “I gave him my card and told him to give me a call if he needed a reference or anything.”

“He would make a great Wal-Mart greeter,” I suggest. “He definitely has the personality for it. I’m sure they would hire him.”

“I’ll make a few calls and see if I can get him in somewhere,” Trey says, putting his arm around me. “Don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine.”

“It’s just sad to think that there are thousands more just like him,” I say, thinking out loud. “I wish there was a way to help more of them.”

“If you figure it out, let me know,” Bolt says, glancing back. “I’ve got a quite a few military buddies who could use a hand. There’s a lot of PTSD out there.”

My mind churns with ideas as we cross the East River and head north toward the airport. “Our luggage is waiting for us,” Trey informs me after checking his messages. “Is there anything you need before we take off?”

“Not really.” I snuggle into him. “Maybe a coffee, but other than that I’ve got everything I need right here.”


As the warm fuzzy feeling from our encounter with Marvin begins to wear off, my mind turns to a dozen different things that have been stressing me out. Tyler, Vanessa, Tommy, Carly, Aileen and Nolan all weigh on my mind. I’m hoping that Vanessa will come clean, with Mom at least, and then things can take their natural course from there. Everything else will probably come to a head in the next few days, depending upon how much Tommy offers to pay back to the investors. I’m hoping that getting out of the city for a few days will ease my mind a bit. I need a break.

“I talked to Ray earlier and told him our plans,” I tell Mandy as we enter the gates of LaGuardia. “I knew we wouldn’t all fit in his truck, so I had him pick us up an extra car and he’ll meet us out there at four o’clock.”

“I was wondering what you were talking to him about,” she replies, shooting me a suspicious look. “I noticed you got quiet when I came in the room. I figured maybe you guys were scheming or something.”

“No scheming, just planning ahead.” I lean in and give her a kiss. “You can pull right up to the jet,” I tell Anthony. “Now Bolt, like I told Anthony, I don’t want any dents or scrapes in this thing.”

“Hey, no problem, Man.” He nods and gives me a cocky smile. “As long as everyone stays out of my way, it’ll be good.”

“It’s New York City, so you know that’ll happen,” I reply, giving him a slap on the shoulder.

As soon as the vehicle comes to a stop, I’m ready to roll. I reach back grabbing my laptop and my briefcase. The only bummer is that we have to take a Citation instead of the Gulfstream. If we end up going to Lynchburg on a regular basis, I’ll have to see if I can extend their runway by a thousand feet. The Citation is still a pretty nice jet, but there is no privacy whatsoever. I’ll grab the seat in the back and catch up on some phone calls. That will give Mandy and Anthony some time to get better acquainted and they can talk about the case. My first call is to Agent Mitchell, to see when he is going to meet with with Tommy.


I feel a bit jilted as Trey deserts me to take his favorite spot, way in the back of the plane. I understand he wants to get a few things done, but it’s not like I’m going to pester him or anything. Glancing back at him, I fail to catch his attention, so I pull a pair of shorts and a tank top from my bag and excuse myself to the lavatory to change. By the time I return, Trey appears to be completely engrossed in conversation so I plop down in a seat across from Anthony.

“Apparently, he’s sick of us,” I mention to Anthony, giving him a sideways glance. “I showered and even put on perfume, so I know it’s not that.”

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