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“I ordered us some breakfast,” Trey says, coming into the bedroom while I’m finishing my makeup. “I ordered from La Toulousaine which is about as close to authentic French pastries as you can get without going to France. Here is an almond croissant and they didn’t have dulce de leche crepes so I got you a Beignet a la Crème instead.”

“A crème filled doughnut, in other words,” I reply with a giggle. “Thank you, it was very thoughtful for you to try to emulate my French breakfast. I was getting worried that I might lose a pound or two through this ordeal.”

“Exactly, and I don’t want to mess with perfection,” he says, slipping his hands inside of my robe. “I wish we could have a couple hours of privacy,” he whispers, giving me a hot, sensual kiss.

“Are we soon ready to roll?” Anthony yells from the other room. “Crusher tells me the natives are growing restless.”

“I just need to get dressed, so tell him we will be there shortly,” I yell back cutting Trey’s advance short. “I’ll make sure we have plenty of privacy once we are in Tennessee,” I whisper seductively.

“Why, are we staying at Peggy’s again?” Trey scoffs, taking a bite of his croissant sandwich. “Or maybe we can have sex during the flight while Anthony plugs his ears and stands in the corner.” He throws his head back and laughs, obviously amused by his own sarcasm.

“You’ll just have to wait and see,” I tell him. “You’ve got your secrets and I’ve got mine.”

“Fair enough,” he replies with a look of intrigue crossing his face. “Now eat up, you are going to need your strength.”



Everything seems relatively calm as we exit the elevator at Trump Tower. Crusher and Bolt are both hanging out in the common area watching E! and laughing about something.

“Bolt is waiting to see the dress Selena wore at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show last night,” Crusher says, giving him a punch in the arm.

“It’s probably quicker to just Google it,” I reply with a laugh.

“Oh, he’s filling you full of shit,” Bolt counters. “You notice he’s the one holding the remote.”

“Okay boys,” Anthony says with his drill sergeant voice. “I thought you said there was an issue over here?”

“Oh, there’s an issue.” Bolt scowls and shakes his head. “You may want to check in with Vanessa and Silvia. Your brother has been raging since the sun came up.”

“Actually, I was already planning on talking to Vanessa anyway,” I inform him. “I want to do this alone,” I tell Mandy and Anthony before excusing myself.

“She’s at her parent’s place,” Crusher says, pointing to the other unit. “We had to separate her and Tyler.”

I turn and walk toward the unit without saying a word. It’s time to get to the bottom of what has been going on with Vanessa. Everything is quiet so I walk through the open front door. It’s been years since I’ve been in here. Old feelings stir deep inside of me as I walk down the hallway toward Vanessa’s old bedroom. I think back to the thoughts I had as a teenager, dreaming about what it would be like to be with her. Today, however, I actually dread the talk I need to have with her.

“What’s wrong?” I ask softly as she looks up with tears running down her face.

“Everything.” She sobs, pushing her face into a pile of Kleenex. “I don’t even know where to begin.” She’s crying so hard that it’s hard to understand her words.

“Why don’t you start by telling me why you told Tommy that we were going to meet with an SEC investigator yesterday,” I say, trying to shock her out of her little pity party.

“Why would you say that?” she asks, her eyes immediately filling with rage.

“Because, no one else knew we were going there.” I pull a chair up to the bed and sit down right in front of her. “I know that you called him the night that I confronted Dr. Potaturri at the hospital too,” I add, thinking back to when Mandy caught her.

“You don’t understand the position I’m in,” she whimpers, wiping her eyes and blowing her nose. “I didn’t know what to do, everything was so messed up and he said it would help.”

“He said what would help?” I ask, not having a clue what she was alluding to.

“He said that Dr. Potaturri could help with his pain and help him get over everything that was bothering him,” she sobs once again. “Then things could go back to normal.”

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