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“You could, but that takes a lot of time if you want to be licensed in this city.” Anthony smirks. “We could use someone who would keep us from operating too far beyond the gray area and organize things for us.”

“In other words, I would have to brush up on the privacy and trespass laws?” I ask, figuring that’s where they most likely run into issues. The covert nature of their team opens them up to those types of problems.

“Yeah, Crusher and Romeo were charged with felony trespass last year for breaking into a home where a drug dealer had been holding a woman hostage,” he begins to explain. “Since he had moved the victim to one of his warehouses, he actually pressed charges against my boys and they didn’t have a leg to stand on.”

“It was a felony because they were armed?” I speculate.

“Exactly. They both have conceal and carry permits, but if you enter someone else’s property while armed…” He pauses. “Well, you know it’s not good.”

“So you had to call in a favor or two to get them off?” I ask, giving him a grin.

“Yeah, I used up quite a bit of capital getting them off,” he scoffs. “We had a dirty cop working for the other side, so it was a real mess. We eventually got the hostage back, but no one ever did any time.”

“That sucks!” I exclaim, thinking about how that would’ve felt from the hostage’s point of view. “So he got away with kidnapping her?”

“Yeah, and we couldn’t do a damn thing about it. He hadn’t directly participated in the crime, so some flunky will spend a few years behind bars while he continues to wreak havoc on society,” he says with a steely look in his eyes. “But we got our client’s daughter back and that was the mission we were hired to do.”

“Wouldn’t it be great to just be able to shoot those dirty fuckers and eliminate them?” I blurt out, not really realizing how many people were within earshot.

“Easy there tiger!” He laughs and puts an arm around me, pulling me into his side. “I kinda like how feisty you are.”

“What is she up to now?” Trey asks, coming up along side us.

“Oh, she was just talking about how nice it would be if we could just blow away the criminals,” Anthony tells him with a chuckle.

I close my eyes and shake my head, feeling the warmth spreading across my cheeks. “I wasn’t really serious, it’s just so frustrating when people continue to get away with shit.”

“But I think it’s okay to have a process that we go through to make sure someone is actually guilty first,” Trey says with a serious look on his face. “Otherwise, you have someone saying, I thought he was guilty. It’s hard to take back murdering someone.”

“I agree,” I tell them both. “Now let’s go, legally, kick Tommy’s ass.”

“I told you she was feisty,” Trey tells Anthony while we both climb into the back of the SUV. “I think that’s what attracted me most.”

“Yeah, right. You were attracted the moment you laid eyes on me,” I reply with a stern glare. “And it had nothing to do with how feisty I was.”

Trey just shakes his head instead of replying. He slips his arm around me and leans in giving me a quick kiss. I love to see that glimmer in his eyes. I’m glad he appreciates my sense of humor. Most people aren’t quite sure how to take it when I give them shit.

Chapter 9


Pulling up in front of Addison Media, it doesn’t take more than a second for me to pick Gator and Crusher out of the crowd. It’s hilarious to watch the reactions of the businessmen and women who are coming and going. They look like a couple of MMA fighters standing on the steps of Capitol Hill.

“I assume the one on the left is Gator?” I ask. He is a well-built black man who looks like he would hold his own against any pro football player. The guy standing next to him, however, can only be described by using a term like Crusher. I’m sitting in a bulletproof vehicle, but I would still be nervous as hell if he was coming at me. He looks like he could rip a door off with his bare hands.

“Yeah, that’s Gator,” Anthony confirms. “He’s my bro, you’re going to like him. We went through MARSOC training together and have been best friends ever since. Crusher, on the other hand…” He pauses and cracks a smile. “He’s pretty single-mindedly focused. He doesn’t let anyone get too close, but I would trust him with my life.”

“That’s good,” I nod, before opening my door and stepping onto the curb. I reach out and help Mandy step down from the vehicle.

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