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Tommy’s phone beeps and Becky’s voice comes across the intercom. “Tommy, Carly is on the phone for you.”

“You’ll have to tell her I’ll call her back in a half hour,” he snaps. His demeanor changes so dramatically that I instantly know this is an important bit of information.

“Carly Snow?” I ask, referring to Dad’s former fiancé.

“Yeah, she had a couple questions on something. I haven’t had time to get the answers for her,” he says, picking up a folder and popping out of his chair. “I better go do some research, so I can get back to her. I see it’s already five o’clock.” He proceeds to show us to the door.

“Do you still want to have lunch tomorrow?” I ask on the way out.

“No, I think we’re good. I’ll catch up with you down the road,” he replies, holding out his hand and flashing us a TV smile. “It was wonderful to see you again, Mandy. Have you decided to stay in the city?”

“For now,” Mandy tells him. “Trey needs me.” She jabs me in the ribs and smiles up at me.

“Yeah, she’s a pro at stress relief,” I tease back.

“I’ll be she is,” Tommy sneers. “I could use some stress relief after the day I’ve had.” He moves up along side her and puts his arm around her again.


I can’t believe he just did that. What a creep. I simply shake my head as we walk back out into the reception area. Becky pops up from her desk and quickly grabs her purse.

“It’s five, so I’m going to go down with you,” she tells Trey.

“Great, I haven’t had a chance to catch up with you for a long time,” he replies with a smile. He has wanted to find out if Becky knows anything.

I glance over at Tommy and his expression tells me that he is not happy about this latest development. “I need you to help me with this file,” he says, giving her a glare.

“I have a dentist appointment at 5:30, so can it wait until morning?” she asks.

“Uhmm, I guess,” Tommy mumbles, seeming to be at a loss for words. “Yeah, that’s fine. Go ahead.”

Chapter 18


“So how are the kids?” I ask Becky as we head out the door. Tommy is still lurking in the reception area, so I want him to hear us discussing something totally benign.

“Oh, they are all grown up and have their own busy lives.” She sighs.

“Any grandkids?” Mandy asks.

“Not yet, but I’m still hopeful,” she laughs as the elevator dings and the doors open.

We all stand in silence as the elevator doors close. However, I’m chomping at the bit to see what Becky was so eager to talk to me about. It’s not until the elevator begins to descend that she finally begins to talk.

“There is something really wrong,” she begins. “I have never seen Bill Gleason so upset.” Bill is the chairman of the board and was one of Dad’s biggest allies.

“About what?” I ask, wanting her to elaborate.

“I only heard bits and pieces, but Bill was accusing Tommy of doing something. I didn’t hear enough to know exactly what,” she whispers. “But based on how angry he was when he left, it was something major.”

“Well, we both have suspicions that Tommy has something to do with Tyler’s near death,” I reply. “As soon as we are in the car, I’m going to give Bill a call and see if he will tell me anything.”

“I’m feeling a little uneasy about everything,” Becky says as the elevator stops at the lobby. “Sam is in Seattle on business, so I think I’m going to spend the night with my sister.”

“Why don’t you come with us,” I suggest. “We can talk a little more and then we will drop you off at her place. If we all put our heads together maybe we can figure this out.”

“That would be wonderful,” Becky exclaims, looking back over her shoulder as if she thought someone might be watching her.


Becky and I make small talk while Trey gives Bill a quick call. Becky totally reminds me of my second grade teacher. She’s about five feet tall, salt and pepper hair and reading glasses that hang on a chain around her neck.

“Hi Bill, this is Trey Addison. Would you give me a call when you get this message?” he asks before hanging up.

“He’s probably out to dinner,” Becky speculates after looking at her watch.

“So has anything else been going on that seems strange?” Trey asks her.

“No, other than Bill being so upset earlier the only other thing that stands out is the fact that Carly called several times. She has never called three times in one day before,” she says with a perplexed look.

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