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“So you guys flew all the way here just to drop a few more bombs on me?” I ask, still amazed by the fact that they tracked me down.

“No. I came here to retrieve the corporate jet. Liv told me that you had given her your NetJet card, so here.” He pulls the card out of his jacket pocket and hands it to me. “I’ll swap with you.”

“That’s fine. I just took Dad’s because I hadn’t flown in a G650 before,” I explain.

“I figured that, but it was purchased by Addison Media, not Victor personally,” he informs me.

“Enough said. I’ll slum it back home.” I stuff the card into my billfold.

“A G550 isn’t exactly slumming it. Besides, if you manage to keep your ass out of prison, you’ll soon be able to afford anything you want.”

I head inside the casino without replying to Tommy’s comment. Prison would be my worst nightmare. A disturbing scene from the movie Deliverance flashes through my mind. I’m way too pretty for prison. I chuckle and cringe, it’s not like I would be going to a real prison. Worst case, I would probably spend a few months in Club Fed. I shake my head in an effort to think about something more positive.


By the time Trey and Tommy return to the table, Liv has been dishing on both of them for twenty minutes straight. I have learned things about both guys that definitely fall under the category of TMI. I’m still flying high from our winnings, but Trey looks more like someone who has just weathered another storm. Tommy on the other hand seems cockier than ever, throwing his arm around Liv and flashing us both a provocative smile.

“You girls ready to blow this joint?” he asks, punctuating it with a yawn. “This place bores me shitless.”

“Aren’t you even going to try to win your money back?” I ask, giving him a jab.

“It’s only money, Mandy. Who cares?” He winks and grabs Liv by the hand.

“Wait! There’s still champagne!” she squeals, reaching out with her other hand to grab the bottle. “Hang on a second.”

“I’ll order a bottle up to our room or wherever we go from here. Take another pull and let’s go,” he replies as she complies and raises the bottle to her lips.

“Jesus, that’s sad.” Trey shakes his head as he watches Liv attempting to polish off the bottle before reaching the door. “She’s lucky she’s good looking.”

“She says her and Tommy are crazy about each other.” I raise my brows and give him a devilish grin.

“We’ll see how long that lasts,” he says with a sigh. “Tommy has been using her against me. He knows Jürgen’s first name and that I delivered those documents to him in Geneva.”

“Liv was passed out most of the trip. She couldn’t have known too much.”

“She knew enough to put him on the right track,” he says with a resigned look. “He thinks I’ll have to admit to corporate espionage in order to avoid being charged with the murder of my father.”

“Seriously? How could they charge you with murder?” Anyone who knows Trey at all would never accuse him of such a heinous crime.

“Apparently Jake has the same facial features of a mafia hit man or some shit.” Trey gazes down at his empty glass and begins to run his finger around the rim. “Could my life get any more fucked up?”

“Never ask that question… because the answer is always, yes.” I crack a smile, but he is too shell-shocked to even react. I reach over and begin to rub his back.

“If I’m convicted of a crime, my stock will never come out of the trust,” he replies without even lifting his head.

“Wow!” I cup my hand under his chin and lift his head for him. “That’s a pretty big incentive for the two of us to put our heads together and come up with a damn good solution.”

“I know you aren’t my half-sister,” he says with a subtle curl of his lips.

“I know. We just have to wait until the results are official,” I reply agreeing with him completely. “There is no way you could blow my mind the way you do if we were blood relatives. There’s just no way.”

A full smile finally crosses Trey’s face. “We should know for sure by noon tomorrow,” he replies, looking at his watch. “God, the last twelve hours seem like a lifetime.”

“Agreed. Let’s get out of here and get some sleep.”

Trey reaches behind me and rests his hand in the small of my back as we walk toward the door. Please God; make the test come back negative. There is no way that I will be able to rectify everything we have done if we turn out to be siblings. Not to mention the fact that I will be losing the only lover with whom I have ever found a real connection. It’s more than a connection… for me it’s a mind-blowing, passion filled, lust fueled obsession. I can forego his touch for another fourteen hours, but there is no way I can handle a lifetime.

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