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Chapter 12


I am pulled from a deep sleep by the sound of Liv cussing and trying to get into my room. It takes a couple of minutes before she finally gives up and tries the other door. I told her earlier that she and Mandy would be in the other room since I need to get up early to meet my family. After listening to her stumble around for several more minutes, everything falls quiet again. Even though I’m completely annoyed, I try to relax and fall back to sleep. I definitely want a few more hours of sleep or it’s going to a really long day.

The next sound I hear is my phone buzzing. Oh shit! It’s Mom calling and according to my phone it’s 10:23. “Where the hell are you?” she squawks the second I answer.

“I’m sorry, I fell back asleep. Where are you at?” I rub my eyes trying to wake up.

“We are all at Estela’s. You and Vanessa are the only two missing. She’s not with you is she?” she asks in a tone that sounds like an accusation.

“No! I have a room to myself… I swear I set my alarm. I’ll be over in a bit,” I promise her.

“Don’t bother, Trey. This place is packed and we will all be finished by the time you get ready and get over here.” I can hear the disappointment in her voice. “I’ll tell everyone that you are tired from traveling.”

“Alright… I’ll meet you guys at the church a little after noon,” I reply, feeling a little relieved that I don’t have to rush.

“Don’t be late! I want all of us to walk in together. It wouldn’t hurt you to visit with your cousins either.” She’s always trying to get us to be friends with one another.

“I won’t be late. See you at noon.” I hang up the phone and drag my ass out of bed. I send Mandy and Liv a text to see if they are up.

Mandy: I’ve been up for a while. Liv, not so much.

Me: Tell her the car is picking us up a little before noon.

Mandy: Sounds good. I’ll do my best to get her up and ready. : )


My boss, Harris, calls again while I’m trying to reply to Trey’s text. He has been looking for an update on my trip to Geneva. I’ve been avoiding his calls, because I’m not exactly sure what I am going to tell him. His first call goes to voice mail, but he immediately calls again.

“I’m sorry, I was in the middle of a text message,” I let him know upon answering.

“You have been avoiding me, young lady! What’s going on with you? I’ve been trying to get an update for the past twenty four hours.” He presses.

“Seriously Harris? Victor is dead and his funeral is in a few hours. Can’t we discuss this on Monday?” I hear Liv rustling, so I make my way into the other room. “Trey hasn’t done anything suspicious since I have been here.”

“The wheels of justice never rest honey. If you’re going to work in this office, you ‘re going to have to get fully onboard. You didn’t see or overhear anything out of the ordinary during the trip to Geneva?” he asks, seeming completely flabbergasted.

“No. I was able to talk business with him a couple of times and it seems that he is working on a totally straight up deal,” I report.

“That’s bullshit! Addison’s don’t do business that way. He’s got an edge somewhere. I can’t believe you didn’t come up with anything.” He sounds really agitated.

“I’m telling you, everything seems perfectly normal. Why are you so angry? What’s really wrong?” I ask, a little confused by his outbursts.

“I don’t know,” he sighs. “I’ve known Victor since my freshman year of college. We sparred in debate class, competed for student body president and he always seemed to find a way to get the best of me. He’s been the fuel for most of my achievements in life and in the blink of an eye… he’s gone.” He falls silent and I can tell he’s actually a little choked up.

“So now you want to attack his son even more viciously? How does that make sense?” He remains silent on the other end, but I can hear that he is still there. “I honestly don’t think there is anything solid that we can use against Trey,” I add, hoping he will drop it.

“Okay,” he gasps, taking a deep breath and clearing his throat. “I’m sorry for bothering you on a Saturday morning. I haven’t had much sleep the last couple of nights.”

“Hey, it’s fine. Just go take Angel for a walk and get some fresh air.” Angel is his toy poodle and constant companion. She is not only his family but also his best friend. For years he has been so consumed with his job and chasing after Victor that he has basically sacrificed all other aspects of his life. I think he is suddenly realizing that in the end, none of this will even matter. He obviously should have dealt with his pent up anger, instead of wasting his whole life chasing after Victor.

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