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Whatever the case, I was going to start working with him in the morning, so it wouldn’t be very long before I found out for myself what he was like. And if it was true that he was a playboy and managed to seduce the women who worked for him, well, that wasn’t going to happen to me. I was there for one thing and one thing only. Even if he made advances at me.

My stomach tightened at the thought, but I pushed it away. I wasn’t there for him to pursue me. I would resist him no matter what.

Besides, he was my boss. It would be against company policy to do anything anyway. He wouldn’t do anything, would he? Of course not.

The alcohol and Katie’s flair for the dramatic had created these thoughts. All I needed to do was sleep off the bit of alcohol in my system and in the morning, everything would look different in the light of a new day.

I was starting a new job at a company that would look fantastic on my résumé. After Daniel, it was what I needed. That was what my focus would be—working my way up again from the level I had fallen to.

Dreaming about a sexy boss was not on the cards.

Chapter 3


“You’re early,” I said to Erica Hudson, who was already in the waiting room to my office by seven thirty on Tuesday morning. She looked classy and professional, wearing a red power dress suit with a skirt that was a decent length and sensibly low heels. Her hair hung loosely over her shoulders, and for a second, I wondered what it would feel like if I ran my fingers through it.

“I wanted to make a good impression.”

I nodded. “It’s working.” I turned my back to her, shoving away the feelings of attraction, and walked to my office. Erica followed me. Susan had prepared the paperwork, and it was already on my desk, ready to sign.

I watched Erica as she read through the paperwork. I liked that she was double-checking what she was signing up for. A lot of people were willing to sign the contract without reading what it was about, and the fine print could fuck you. When Erica was happy, she took the pen I offered her and signed. I did the same, with the third line on the contracts already signed by Shane as a witness.

“Right,” I said after Susan had come in to retrieve the contract and file it. “Let’s start. Your job as my EA is to oversee Loomis Industries as a whole. We have many different divisions. I’m sure you’ve heard our name?”

Erica nodded. “I’ve done my research, I know what Loomis Industries is all about. I have a friend who works at Loomis Publishing House, she told me about the job.”

“What does she do?” I asked.

“She’s the receptionist. Katherine Donovan.”

I shook my head. “I haven’t met her. I have so many employees all over the country it’s impossible to know them all by name. But perhaps we should go to lunch together.”

Erica frowned. “Lunch?”

“Yes, so I can thank her for pointing you in my direction.” I smiled at Erica, and she flushed a little bit when she smiled back at me. Yes, I was flirting with her. I wasn’t being as charming as I could be—I wasn’t trying to get her into bed with me after all—but I couldn’t help myself. I was inexplicably attracted to Erica Hudson, and when she smiled, her features lit up, and I wanted her to keep doing it.

“This is your office,” I said, walking into the office next to mine. “I don’t know how much time you’ll be spending here, we are quite busy and we work as a team, but it’s good to have your own space.”

The office was a nice space. It wasn’t as big as my corner office, of course, but the windows looked out over the city, and the view was breathtaking, even if I had to say so myself. I watched Erica walk farther into the office and look around.

“You’re welcome to put up personal items and pictures if you like,” I added.

“I think perhaps I’ll wait until we’re both sure this job is going to work for us.” She was being sensible. This was just an internship, and there was a chance we wouldn’t get along.

“As you wish,” I said.

We left her office and walked to mine. I sat down at my desk and gestured to the armchair opposite me. Erica sat down and crossed her legs at the ankles as if she had been to finishing school. It was beautiful to see a woman who took care of her appearance but not so much that it overtook everything else.

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