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“You’re making it sound very exciting,” Erica said, and I grinned.

“If we can’t beat ’em, we might as well have a bit of fun.”

“You know what, you’re right,” Erica said. “Let’s do it. I’m sick of being cooped up or running from reporters. It will be great to get away for a while.”

We discussed our plans before finally ending the conversation. A short while later, I packed an overnight bag and left my place. I didn’t summon my driver the way I usually did. I took a cab to the car rental place where I had booked the car under a different name. I paid for it in cash and headed out to Jersey.

Erica and I had agreed to arrive several hours apart to stop anyone from assuming that we were together.

I checked out the hotel room while I was waiting for her. It was nothing nearly as fancy as I would have liked to get, but I had to compromise. We were flying under the radar, and booking something as luxurious as I normally did would only attract attention. Right now, anything was good enough as long as I could be with Erica.

Erica arrived three hours later, just as planned. She wore sunglasses and jeans, something I had never seen her in. I had to admit, they looked fantastic on her. Then again, I doubted anything would look bad on her body. Erica had the type of body that would look good in anything. She looked fantastic when she was naked.

When she stepped into the hotel room, I couldn’t help myself. I rushed toward her and pulled her against me. I didn’t realize how much I had missed her until I had her in my arms again. I was happier to see her than I had ever been to see anyone. Even though it felt amazing to be with Erica again, this bothered me. I had never been this attached to someone, and I had never needed to see them again. With Erica, I felt like I was only walking when I wasn’t with her. When I was with her I was running, floating, flying. I had never felt this way about anyone before. What did that mean?

I thought about the concept of attachments and what it meant. Before I could overthink it, I pushed the thoughts away. I could analyze myself and my feelings later. Right now I was here to spend time with Erica, and I was going to do exactly that. I wouldn’t allow myself to be distracted.

Erica and I spent time in the hotel room. We ordered room service so we didn’t have to leave the room, and we talked about everything. She told me more about her childhood. Erica didn’t have any brothers or sisters. She was an only child, just like me. That was where our similarities ended. Her life had been very different from mine. She had grown up with only one parent, where I had two. I couldn’t imagine what kind of a man would walk out on a woman after he had gotten her pregnant. I didn’t comment on Erica’s dad at all because I had nothing good to say.

Halfway through our conversation, Erica’s phone rang.

She picked it up and sighed. “It’s my mom.”

“You can answer it. I don’t mind.”

“You might not mind, but I do.” Despite her negative reaction toward the phone call from her mother, Erica answered the phone. She stood up and walked to the other side of the room. It wasn’t a suite, so we only had the bedroom and bathroom, and Erica had no privacy, but she was still trying to be polite.

“Hi, Mom… I’m fine… No. I don’t need you to tell me what to do… I don’t want to fight about this again.”

It wasn’t hard to tell that Erica and her mom were arguing. I didn’t want to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help but overhear Erica’s side of the conversation. She was only a couple of feet away from me after all. Her face was pinched in a frown, and she didn’t look happy. I couldn’t hear anything her mother was saying, but it didn’t sound like it was anything good. I hated that Erica was going through this. Because of the article and the photos, Erica had it difficult in a lot of ways. My parents hadn’t contacted me about the news at all. They had always been firm believers of being in the bed you made.

“I don’t tell you everything… I’m not that person anymore… This isn’t about that, when are you going to trust me?”

The conversation carried on for a short while longer before Erica hung up the phone. I had the feeling she had put the phone down on her mom in anger, instead of ending the call politely.

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