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“It is,” Brett said. “I should notice it more. Even in my office. It’s funny, the more money I have the less I appreciate the finer things in life.”

I was intrigued by his statement. I wanted to ask what he meant, but Brett turned his dark eyes at me, and my stomach tightened. I forgot what I wanted to say. He looked at me in a way that made me feel hot and bothered, and that sexual tension was back. It had been absent when Brett had arrived, and I had been able to think straight.

The air was thick between us now. Brett took a small step closer to me, and I felt the energy between us crackling, shifting as he came closer. I was hyperaware of his closeness, and the bar around us and the people all fell away.

I pushed away the feeling. I couldn’t be this attracted to Brett. Whatever had happened between us couldn’t happen again. I had understood that before we had done anything, and I had been okay with it. Right now, I wanted it to happen again. It would be better if I suppressed my feelings. I tried to get my poker face in place, to not let Brett know how I was feeling.

By the way he looked at me, I was starting to wonder if he already knew.

“What do you usually do for fun if this isn’t your thing?” Brett asked.

I tried to focus on what he’d asked me. It was good to distract myself from the sexual tension.

“I prefer doing things where I can hear the people around me speak. I like to build relationships and friendships with people. What do you do now that this isn’t your thing anymore?”

“Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?”

The compliment was unexpected, and I blushed.

“You’re not supposed to answer a question with a question,” I joked. “And you’re not supposed to say things like that to me.”

“I can’t help it. You’re incredible.”

I laughed, and I was sure my cheeks were flaming red. “We’re supposed to behave.”

“What can I say? You make me want to behave badly.”

I shook my head. He was incorrigible. I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it.

No matter how hard I tried to push down the sexual tension, I couldn’t help how I felt around Brett. Something about him was just undeniably attractive. I was drawn to him in a way I had never been drawn to any man before. There was a pull that I couldn’t shake, and I couldn’t figure it out. If circumstances were different, I would have wanted to explore it. I would have let it happen to see what would come of it. But Brett was my boss, he was famous for his company and the riches he had acquired through it, and if we did anything stupid, it would come back to bite us in our asses.

I couldn’t help what I felt for him, but I had to resist. For his sake more than my own, but if he went under, so would I. Besides, after Daniel had fired me and made it seem like I was a traitor, a sex scandal in the papers was the last thing I needed. I was redeeming myself by keeping my head down and working hard to get back to the top.

Not that having sex with Brett the first time had exactly been keeping my head down, but no one knew about it. At least, no one that wanted to ruin us. We had to keep it that way, and the only way we were going to do that was by making sure it wasn’t going to happen again. It was the safest thing to do.

Shane and Katie returned from the bar with drinks for everyone, and we all sat together. Katie looked at me with an expression that suggested she had a lot she wanted to discuss with me. Shane was friendly with Katie, putting his arm around her or his hand on her leg. I didn’t know much about Shane, but if Brett was friends with him, he couldn’t be that bad. And as I had mentioned to Brett, Katie could handle herself. So, I stopped worrying about everything and let it all go. Tonight, we were going to hang out as four friends, hopefully get wasted, and I would be responsible again tomorrow.

Chapter 9


I was hungover on Friday. Maybe Shane and I should have held off with the heavy drinking until the weekend, but we’d had such a good time with Katie and Erica, and the alcohol had been free flowing.

Erica had been open and fun, and the sexual desire between us was back. After she had been so neutral all week, I had started to think the sex between us hadn’t meant anything, but I realized she had been trying to hold back. I could only guess it was for the sake of my reputation. I appreciated it, and I knew she was doing the right thing. But I wasn’t going to be able to stay away from her.

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