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“I’m sorry about Friday. About kissing you.” There, I’d said it. I’d put it into words so she knew what we were talking about. I had to man the fuck up and face the music.

“It’s okay,” Erica said. “If it makes you feel any better, I liked it.”

“You did?” I was more surprised about how open and comfortable she was saying it than I was that she had confessed to it.

“Yeah. But before you try to let me off easy,” she continued, “I know it can’t lead to anything. But I understand why you did. I felt it too.”

The tension left the room, and I sat down in one of the armchairs that faced my desk. It was suddenly comfortable between us. We were cohorts, caught in the same moment. I was thrilled that Erica had felt it too. I felt stronger about her than I had felt about anyone else, and I would have hated if it wasn’t returned.

“We can’t do it again,” I said. It was the responsible thing to do. Even though I wanted it again. And then some.

“I know.” She was very calm and collected. “I saw how everyone watched you when we were out. I can only imagine what that would do to your image and how that would affect the company. I don’t expect anything to come of it. You know, with your investors and all. They seem like a stiff bunch.”

I chuckled. They were a stiff bunch. I had never seen so many people with sticks up their asses in one room before I had met with the investors the first time.

“Thank you,” I said.

“For what?”

“For being understanding about it.”

Every time I thought I understood Erica a little better, she surprised me with something like this.

“It’s fine,” she said. “Besides, there’s no talk of a relationship of any kind. It was just mixing business with pleasure, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

She smiled at me, and it made me want to mix business with pleasure with her again.

“Besides,” she carried on. “I don’t think you would be able to handle it.”

“Handle what?”

“If anything more happened.”

I chuckled. “That sounds like a challenge.”

“What? I don’t do challenges. I was talking about how it would affect business. What were you talking about? Dirty thoughts, Mr. Loomis.”

She was such a flirt, and it was driving me crazy. She knew exactly what she was doing too. She smiled sweetly at me, and I knew everything she was doing was on purpose. There was no question as to what she had been talking about. And I wanted to test that theory now. I wanted to know if I could handle her if I fucked her.

I was willing to bet I could more than handle her, but she had surprised me before.

And this was exactly what I shouldn’t have been thinking. Fuck, I was in over my head with this one. Not only because she was so damn attractive, but because she knew it and she had turned up the heat. When I had met her, I had known she would be perfect for the position of EA because she had seemed professional, organized, and on top of her life. I was glimpsing a wild side to her, and it turned me on.

We flirted back and forth a little. The more she flirted with me, the more I could picture her naked on my desk, her legs spread, and my dick buried inside of her. I wasn’t supposed to think about her in that way, but I couldn’t help it. She was pushing the right buttons, and my cock responded.

Finally, Shane knocked on my door.

“I have to get back to the office,” Erica said. She flashed an innocent smile at me and turned to open the office door for Shane. He looked at her before glancing at me. She stepped out, and Shane walked in.

“What were you two doing in here with the door closed?” Shane asked.

“Discussing the investors meeting,” I said without skipping a beat. Shane narrowed his eyes, but after a moment he nodded. He bought it, and I wasn’t exactly lying.

Shane sat down in one of my armchairs and put his feet up on my desk. I didn’t bother trying to get him to take them down. He wasn’t going to budge.

“How was your weekend?” Shane asked.

I shrugged. “Normal. I went to the gym.”

“You didn’t fuck anyone?”

Erica flashed in front of me. I shook my head. “I wasn’t in the mood to go out.”

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