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Hayden snapped his finger in the air gaining the hostess attention. “Yes, Mr. Gaster.”

“I need a table now! Bring my usual. Also, two boxes of cigars. I want to pick which I would like to smoke.”

“Of course, Mr. Gaster.” She directed us into a large booth.

I slid in first, then Hayden. I didn’t know what to say. My eyes fell on my beautiful ring as my heart sank.

The music was pumping. The atmosphere was electric. The dance floor was riddled with people dancing close. The DJ was playing all my favorites. If I were in a better mood I would be out on the dance floor enjoying myself. Instead I was moping. I felt terrible. What could I do to make Hayden feel better. Hayden sat dazed into space. My head lowered on his shoulder. My fingers brushed his arm. Hayden brought my left hand to his lips kissing my ring finger. Instantly, I shattered inside for this man. Hayden stole my heart, he is my one and only love.

“What did I ask you to weather with me Lydia?”

“The Tsunami.”

“Yes, a monstrous storm is coming and it ain’t letting up. Tonight, was a glimpse of what’s to come.”

Hayden pulled my head up to meet his gaze. “I can get through it as long as I’m with you.” His lips tenderly touched mine with love. My body tingled all over. How and why did I deserve Hayden? Was my mother looking down on us, smiling?

The waitress arrived with our order breaking me and Hayden’s trance.

“Is there anything else I could get either of you?”

“Yes, bring a bottle of Richebourg Grand Cru and a plate of boneless honey barbeque wings.”

“Right away Mr. Gaster.” She smiled before walking away.

Hayden leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees then retrieved a cigar from each of the two boxes. He ran each of them under his nose respectively, before choosing which he wanted to smoke. Hayden slipped his blue tinted aviators from his inner jacket pocket sliding them over his gorgeous blue eyes.

After lighting the cigar, he unbuttoned his suit jacket, leaning back against the crème booth. His eyes scanned the crowd from behind his sunglasses. I admired his billionaire boss style. Three smoke o’s released from his mouth. Fuck, it was sexy. My pussy was dripping wet for my powerful man. He just defended my honor to his clients. This man is my future husband, I smile inside at the reality. I wished we were alone I would dance for Hayden. Give him the best lap dance he ever had. I remembered back when he sat in the corner of the strip club looking the way he looks now sexy as hell but surrounded by strippers. The look in the other strippers faces when they danced for him, they wanted to be noticed like I was noticed by him. His eyes always remained on me. I told them I would take care of him. I wanted Hayden badly. His possessiveness over me is a turn on. No more running from my future husband. My nude lips pushed into his cheek. His expensive cologne invaded my nostrils in the best way. Hayden’s arm wrapped around me resting on my ass. This would make a cute picture. “Baby, where is your phone? I want a picture of us.”

Hayden passed his cell to me, I leaned in closer, giving my sexy facial pose. Hayden didn’t smile, he continued with the same boss stare. I wanted Hayden inside me at that moment. I placed Hayden’s cell back inside his pocket.

“Drink up baby.” I sipped the expensive red wine. It’s the best tasting wine I’ve ever had.

Our backs were to his clients. Hayden had no intention of hiding. Four drinks later, Hayden and I were on the dance floor. He even removed his jacket. Our night turned out to be incredible. Hayden called one of his friends who lives in the city. Tyler and Sophia were refreshing. They were just what Hayden and I needed. They were full of life. Tyler told story after story. I loved listening to him speak with his English accent. Tyler’s blonde hair was short and spiky. His build, lanky. He’s a professional video gamer. He is also one of Hayden’s clients. A client who wouldn’t judge us. Sophia was bubbly. She told me to call her Sophie for short. Her red hair was styled in a sharp bob cut. Fit her face well. She was model skinny. I’m slender but my ass is fat, I have thick thighs, nice c-cup breasts, and a tiny waist.

Hayden told Tyler what happened earlier. Tyler was bothered by the way I was treated. He raised his glass. “Fuck them! They are bloody assholes!”

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