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“Hayden, I’ll be ready in a minute!”

The beautiful large pearl and gold earrings sparkled against my skin.

Hayden knocked on the door. “Can I come in?”

“No! I’m almost done.”

I have everything a girl could want. I’m wearing a new pink lace bra and panties, sexy lingerie not sure why he insisted the store owner add all these items to my order. Two new Michael Kors purses, six boxes of Christian Louboutin’s and two dress coats. Total $15,038.45. I needed to pick my mouth up off the floor. I couldn’t even play it off like this was every day.

I stuffed my hair into a bun half way around my head. The pale pink dress enhanced the size of my ass. The matching stilettos increased my height to 5’9.”

The makeup and fake eye lashes set my look. My look was rich sophisticated.

“Ok, I’m ready Hayden.” I walked toward him across the room. He was sitting in a chair staring at his cell.

His eyes fell on me. No words for what felt like a minute.

“Do I look that bad? I can change into another dress.”

“No!” He stood, walking around me.

“You look stunning.”

Hayden was wearing a black suit, navy dress shirt, black tie, and expensive black Oxfords.

I smiled. “You look handsome too.”

He helped me slip into my coat, before leaving.



We were seated at a table in the middle of Bocconcino an exclusive Italian restaurant.

We stared at each other over our expensive glasses of red wine.

“Hayden, are we doing any site seeing this weekend?”

“Yes, we are?”

“Hayden, we need to talk about the other night when I left your condo and the heightened security. You were upset about something that happened that night.”

“Lydia, this isn’t the place. We will talk about it another day in private.”


“When you looked me up did you check the police database to make sure I wasn’t a rapist or pedophile. I get it, you know I’m Hayden Gaster, but I could have gone to jail. You should always look into a man you are dating no matter who they are. I want you to always look out for you.”

“Like you did to me. Ok one moment. I might not be as good as Sebastian, but I can hack a little too.”

Sitting across the table from me, she scrolled through her phone, researching me.

Taking another sip of her wine, she smiled. “Looks like you are who you say you are, which we already established. No arrest record, which means nothing because you are rich, you could have gotten it expunged. You are not in pedophile system either. And I am constantly reminded you are worth a shit load of...” she leaned in closer. “…Money.”

The society page of the Atlanta Journal Constitution last year said you are a playboy. Internet search said you have never had a girlfriend. One woman said you have commitment issues.”

“Who said that?”

“Kimberly Stanton.”

I chuckled. “She was controlling and another spoiled little rich girl.”

“Sounds like you don’t like rich girls. Maybe you like women with a little street cred. Do you? Or women who are from the hood.”

“Lydia, again you are not from the hood.”

“Damsel in distress. A woman you can save. So, you can appear as Superman.” No smile upon her face just a crass stare.

“Hayden, I don’t need you nor do I want your help. I have never asked you to do anything for me. I want to make myself clear. I’m not your fucking pet project!”

Patrons in the restaurant glared at us.

Before I could say one word she continued talking.

“You think because you bought me all these fancy clothes, flew me outside the country, and paid my salary for the weekend, oh I’m just going to quit my job and let you take care of me.” She pointed her finger toward me.

“Hell no!”

She paused. “I don’t know why I agreed to this.” She stood tossing her napkin on her half-eaten plate of food, storming toward the door, coat, and bag in tow.

Snapping my fingers, I waved the waiter over. I never gave him a chance to speak. “I need to pay the bill, now!”

I was pissed. What is wrong with this woman? Charity case? Why does she think I see her that way? Almost two weeks in, any rational man would cut his losses, but no not me. I will get Lydia to see reason. I paid the bill then ran out of the restaurant. My eyes darted down the street both ways. “Pete. Which way did she go?”

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