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“Yep, beautiful.”

Hayden and I dozed off at some point. He massaged my pussy a few times while we slept. His rock-hard dick rested against my back. I love sleeping with him already. Maybe Hayden is the one.

Waking up in Hayden’s arms felt wonderful. Slowly, I tried releasing myself from his scrumptious hold.

“Hayden, I have to pee.” His fingers stroked my pussy one last time. Fuck, it felt good.

He rolled over on his back. I gawked at his dick that tented the comforter. His head fell to the left as he continued to sleep. Hayden’s sexy chest was exposed. I was tempted to drag my tongue along his muscular chest upon my return from the bathroom.

After relieving my bladder, I removed a towel, washcloth, and new toothbrush, placing them on the counter. I slipped on a pair of bed shorts, which hung on the back of the bathroom door. Walking back into my bedroom, my eyes shot over to the clock on the night stand. Shit, it is 8:35 a.m. I was late for my first class. My bedroom soaked up all the sunlight beaming through my large windows covered by sheer lavender curtains.

Briefly, I stood in the living room soaking up the stream of sunlight shining through the balcony door. A cup of green tea was needed. Grabbing Hayden’s Jacket off the floor, I laid it across the back of the couch.

I sat waiting for the tea kettle to heat up. I should probably wake Hayden. Doesn’t he have to go to work? The whistling of the tea kettle interrupted my thoughts.

“Shit!” I heard rang out from my bedroom.

I watched as he ran around the room jumping into his clothes. I sat at the counter sipping my tea as I watched.

He flew out of the bedroom toward me.

“I’m late for a board meeting. I have to go.” He swooped up his jacket off of the couch, shrugging it on.

My tea cup rested at my lips, ready to take another sip. Hayden removed the cup from my hands, placing it on the counter. Just as he was about to lean in and kiss me his phone rang. He stepped back, taking the call.

“Yes, Marsha.” He ran his fingers through his dark hair.

“Inform the board I will be there at 9:30.”

His eyes closed as he ran his hand over his brow.

“No, I don’t want my sister to run the meeting. I’ll be there at 9:30. Keep the coffee and pastries refreshed. Thank you, Marsha. Goodbye.”

“I wasn’t aware you needed to wake up at a certain time. Maybe you should have told me. I could have set the alarm.”

“I’ve never been late for a meeting. I run the company. They can wait for once.”

My eyebrows rose. “Hayden.”

His lips fell upon mine. Slowly, he released my lips. Hayden gazed into my gray eyes.

“I will talk to you later beautiful. Lock the door behind me.”

I blushed. “Ok. Bye, Hayden.”

Hayden vanished. After locking the door, I ran to my bedroom window watching him climb into a Black Bugatti.

I better get to class. I need to focus on school. Not how Hayden makes me crave his touch. I have a busy day, so I should be able to keep my mind off of him.



After dropping Lydia off at her apartment, I went home, showered and dressed for work. Sitting at my desk, I stared out the window. My thoughts were consumed with how many times I kissed Lydia’s beautiful lips. I worked a half day. The second I arrived home, I hit the bed hard. I was beyond exhausted.

I rose to relieve myself then I sent Lydia a text message.

Call me.

Momentarily, I laid in bed, then fell back to sleep. It was after midnight when I woke again. Food was what I needed. I was starving. Lydia texted me back. She tried to back out on our trip. I wasn’t going for that shit. After showering for the second time today, I dressed, then ran out to grab a meal. I had no intentions of seeing Lydia, but after she informed me she hadn’t eaten, I chose for us to eat together.

The moment I saw her face, I didn’t want to leave her presence. Our schedules are divergent. I have to creatively find ways to spend time with her. Witnessing her pain hurt my heart. The loss of her mother crushed her. She no longer cherishes happiness. I want to be her protector, her provider, her everything. I won’t push too hard. Holding her in my arms on the balcony, I never wanted to let her go. She’s managed to take hold of my ice heart which beats inside of a clear case wrapped in heavy silver chains.

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