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Hallie, in trouble. My eyes flew open, expecting an out-of-control rip. Instead, I saw Teague staring at me. Fury flashed across her face, quickly replaced by cunning. She grabbed Hallie’s arm.

“Stay away from him.” Hallie dug her heels into the deck. “Stop. I won’t let you do this! I won’t do this.”

Teague became only more determined, yanking her daughter behind her.

Her intent was written all over her face. She was going to kill me, and she was going to use Hallie to do it.


My mother lunged for Dune with determination and a grip that would leave bruises on my arm. I went limp to slow her down.

That’s when a rip of a woman in a cancan costume stepped directly into our path. Mom lurched to the side to avoid it, and I broke free of her grasp and ran for Dune.

I exhaled the second he wrapped me in his arms. The relief and comfort that flooded through me felt like more than love. It felt like family.

“I can’t get the pendant off. There must be a trick to the chain clasp.”

He uttered a low oath. “It’s soldered closed.”

The development changed the plan, but gave us leverage. As long as I had the pendant around my neck and one hand on Dune, my mother wouldn’t touch me. Too big of a risk for her to lose her powers and her life. But I didn’t think anything would stop the rips. Their number only grew larger.

I faced her. “I see you’ve stopped in your tracks.”

“I see you’ve forgotten about this.” She held up the gun. “You can stand in front of him from here to Key West, but you can’t stop a bullet.”

I knew the words weren’t empty.

“I’ll go with you,” I bargained. “We’ll get on the speedboat and head to open waters and leave him here. You don’t have to shoot him.”

“You think he’ll stop looking?”

“None of them will.” From the look on Mom’s face, she agreed.

He couldn’t die. Not here. Not like this. Thanks to Jack Landers, there was another out.

“Don’t kill him,” I was reduced to whispering. “Erase him. Make him forget. He won’t be a threat to you anymore.”

She crooked a finger at the cabin. Someone had been inside the whole time. Listening. Watching.

Poe. Smiling at my mother.


I wanted to rip out Poe’s heart and throw it and him to the bottom of the Mississippi. I hoped my face showed just how much. He was grinning, his posture relaxed.

A sharp whistle sounded on the other side of the deck. The moorings were stowed, and the riverboat pulled away from the dock. Poe’s eyes stopped for one second on the veil that hung downriver as he walked toward Teague.

Hallie tensed in my arms as he passed, and I held her tighter.

“Well?” Poe stopped in front of Teague and crossed his arms over his chest. “You called your dog; he came.”

“There are four members of the Hourglass in New Orleans. Hallie believes they’ll look until they find her. You need to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“Now?” Poe asked. “Or can I eat first?”

“How can you do this? Joke about it?” Hallie’s voice broke. “Less than twenty-four hours ago, you were trying to—”

“Trying to what? Get in your pants? Oh no, wait. You’re always the one trying to get in mine.”

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