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I settle onto the couch and pull a blanket to my neck. At some point, I lay down and doze off, but it’s a light sleep. A hum wakes me and I jolt into a sitting position. Awareness overtakes me and I stand up to find Adrian exiting the elevator. Relief, joy, and more relief have me flying around the couch. He rushes toward me as well. He’s in jeans and a T-shirt, his jawline shadowed, his thick dark hair in disarray, but he is so damn tall, dark, and perfect. And in a flash that isn’t fast enough in my book, I’m in his arms.

He cups my head and kisses me and it’s the best kiss of my life, filled with so much need and so much happiness.

“Oh my God,” I whisper. “I thought you were dead. I was so scared. What happened? Is Waters—”

“Dead,” he says. “And so is Deleon. And no, I’m not going to jail. I’ve been dealing with the Feds for the past twelve hours. It’s over, Pri. Really over. And I’ll tell you all about it later. Right now, I have something important to ask you.” He goes down on his knee and presents me with a velvet box. He opens the lid and I gasp at the gorgeous halo-shaped diamond ring, with an infinity design on each side of the band.

“I bought this when I bought the necklace. I just wanted Waters behind us before I gave it to you. But I want you to know that’s how long I’ve wanted to say this. Marry me, Pri. You are my best friend. You are my everything. Forever. Be my wife.”

Tears well in my eyes. “You are my everything,” I say. “Forever. Yes. I would very much like to be your wife.”

He smiles and slides the ring on my finger and cheers and clapping explode from above. Adrian and I glance up to find Rafael and Adam as our audience. We both laugh and Adrian kisses me. Family, I think. We’re a family. And it’s a wonderful thing.


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