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I’m aware of Jacob following me and Raf toward the bus, and the need for this kind of close supervision is a reminder that Deleon is out there. Well, of course, I am walking with a superstar, who likely needs round-the-clock protection anyway. That’s a comforting thought. There is more to our lives than Waters.

“Tonight was fun,” I say, trying to tune out everything but the brother of the man I love. “Thank you for putting us in the front row. Funny story. Adrian was undercover when we met.” I smile. “He told me his name was Rafael.”

He laughs. “Please tell me he didn’t tell you he was me.”

“No,” I say. “But the fact that he used your name as an alias tells me you were always on his mind.”

“As he was mine,” he says, giving me a warm smile. “Thank you for that. And thank you for being here with him. He needs you. That’s clear.” He stops walking and turns to face me. “He told me about Alex’s final moments.”


“And you already knew,” he observes.

“I did,” I confirm.

“He trusts you,” he concludes.

“I hope so. I really do.”

“He does,” he assures me. “I need him to be okay, Pri. Are you going to stay around and make sure he’s okay?”

“I am. I absolutely am. I love him.”

“Good,” he says and motions me forward. “Good. You’ll think these photos are fun, I bet.”

We start walking again and I have no idea why, but this strong sense of unease comes over me.

We reach the bus and Rafael is about to click the locks. I cover his hand. “Don’t. Something feels wrong. Let’s go back. Let’s go back now.” He gives me one look, seemingly weighing my words and expression, and must see the terror ripping through my gut. He doesn’t question me.

In unison, we turn and start running. Jacob is instantly charging toward us, trying to find the danger. In an instant, he’s all but on top of us, and he’s drawn his weapon, letting us pass him, holding the ground.

And that’s when the explosion happens.

Chapter Forty-Five


When Pri and Raf start running, I start running.

Everything is in slow motion. I don’t know what is happening, but I know it’s bad.

I run hard and fast, the burn in my legs, launching me forward. I’m almost to Pri and Raf when the explosion happens but almost isn’t good enough. I watch my brother throw himself on top of Pri. The impact shakes the ground and forces me down, huddled against the ground, metal flying everywhere. I’m up the minute I can get up, grabbing my brother, who is thank fuck, pushing to his feet. “I’m fine. I’m okay,” he pants out. “Pri. Check Pri.”

He’s barely spoken the words, and I’m already on the ground, pulling Pri into my arms. “Pri. Baby.”

“I’m okay,” she says, grabbing my arm and coughing. “I’m okay.” She swallows hard. “I swallowed soot,” she whispers, rubbing her throat. “I’m good now.”

I cup her face. “Are you sure you’re okay? Tell me you’re sure.”

“I am,” she promises, her hands on my hands. “Rafael. Rafael. And Jacob.”

“I’m clear,” Jacob says from somewhere nearby. “I’m good.”

I ease Pri to her feet, checking her, wiping away more of the soot that choked her, moments before. “God, woman, you scared me. You scared the fuck out of me.” I fold her close. “You don’t get to die on me.” I cup her head. “Ever. Ever.” I lean back to look at her. “Do you understand?”

Savage appears beside us, grabbing both of our arms. “Dr. Savage here. Let me take a look at both of you. Sit. That means girls and boys take a seat.”

Adam shoves a chair under Pri that I assume he got from the bar and she sits before he talks with Jacob a few steps away. Savage cuffs Pri to check her blood pressure and I kneel beside her. “What made you run?” I ask. “How did you know what was coming?”

Savage agrees. “Exactly my question.”

“It was just a gut instinct,” Pri replies. “I can’t explain it. Suddenly, I was suffocating in a bad feeling.”

“Holy hell,” Raf says, joining us, obviously overhearing. “Thank God for your bad feelings, Pri.”

I push to my feet and give the big, soot-covered bastard a hug. “Don’t die asshole.”

“She saved my life, man,” he says, when we break away, he adds. “She saved us both. We were lucky. Who did this?”

“Waters,” I say. “Waters did this.”

Adam, clearly eavesdropping, joins our circle, and says, “Waters is dead, Adrian.”

“No, he’s not” I assure him. “He’s not dead. I promise you he got out of that car before it exploded. There’s a reason why it happened off-camera. I don’t know how he did it, but he did it. And he just fucking loves symbolism. His car blew up. The bus blew up. That’s him telling me this was him.” I look at Raf. “Walker is going to get you to safety. Go with them. Stay with them until I get back.” I turn to Adam. “Get him and Pri someplace safe.”

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