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Fortunately, the question immediately stirs his laughter. “Aside from socks? My mother always gave me socks. She said I never bought the basics for myself. Every year no matter how old I got, she gave me socks.”

I laugh now, too. “Socks are very necessary.”

“Yes. And they—Mom and Dad—they gave me an AC/DC album. A sentimental thing from when I was a kid. I used to crank the music up and piss everyone off.”

“Sounds like a special gift,” I say, my chest pinching slightly at the dart of pain I see in his eyes.

“It was,” he says solemnly. There is joy and pain in this memory, that is clear. “I framed it,” he adds, that statement telling me just how fond this memory is he’s shared, how important it is to him. “I’ll show it to you when we get home,” he promises and then shifts the topic to me. “What about you? What are your Christmases normally like?”

“Awkward and filled with expensive gifts that had no emotional value at all. Obligation gifts.” I wave off what is easily dismissed, and painfully remember and focus on the here and now, the good times. “Open the gift,” I urge. “I’m really excited to give you your present.”

He hesitates just a moment as if he wants to ask me questions about my past, but then he caves to my request. His lips curve and he does my bidding. He opens the box, removing the small leather box inside. He opens it and glances down at the hand-crafted watch with a wooden finish. “Made by a famous craftsman here in Italy.”

“I love it,” he says. “It’s interesting in a good way.”

“Turn it over,” I say, my heart fluttering with a hint of nerves that really have no place in this moment, except I am putting my heart on the line here a bit. Something he’ll know soon. “It’s the engraving on the back I want you to see,” I add.

His eyes warm and he flips the watch, his eyes landing on the words etched in the wood, reading them out loud, “Every moment with you makes me want a lifetime.” His eyes immediately meet mine and then he’s pulling me close, kissing me, and it is not just a kiss. It’s passion and love. And it’s friendship. Because that is what we have become. Best friends and lovers.

“I love it,” he says softly. “And you. I love you, Pri.”

“And I love you, Adrian Mack.”

He gently strokes my hair behind my ear, his fingers teasing my skin, goosebumps lifting in their wake. His eyes are warm, a sea of invitation that says, stay with me, be with me. This is where you belong.

“Your turn,” He says softly before he hands me a small flat box wrapped in red paper. I quickly tear away the wrapping, nervous all over again, over an intimate moment, that feels as if it’s about to tell me a story, that I’m eager to read. Inside the paper I find a beautiful wooden box with an intricate cross etched in the center. I open the lid to discover a necklace—a silver and diamond infinity cross. “Infinity,” I say softly, and look at him, aware of the meaning of this gift—it’s him telling me he wants us to be forever and my heart swells with that message. “It’s beautiful,” I say, emotion rasping in the depths of my reply.

“And so are you,” he says, reaching for the box. “I’ll help you put it on.”

He eases behind me, and I swear I’m so hyperaware of Adrian right now, my nipples pucker with the anticipation of his touch that isn’t even sexual.

“Hold up your hair,” he says, and then he’s sliding the necklace around me, his touch light, but I feel it intensely. Once the cross falls between my breasts, he kisses my neck, and whispers, “Infinity and more, baby.”

Chapter Forty-Three


We land in New York and Savage, Lucifer, and Adam all join us for the flight to Texas and Rafael’s concert. A group event planned the week before when Adrian had called his brother on speakerphone, introduced me, and made the arrangements. The two brothers’ excitement to see each other again had been palpable. Once we’re in flight, Lucifer joins Adrian and me in the lounge to update us on the Walker investigation, into, well, just about everyone I know.

“Ed is dirty,” he says, “and so is Josh. We’ve handed over the data we’ve collected to the Feds. They’ll be dealt with.”

I don’t ask for details. I’m exhausted by details right now but also worried about my friend. “And Grace?” I ask. “Is she safe? And yes, I mean, from everyone, including you.”

Lucifer gives a low chuckle. “I’m the one who needs protection from Grace. She’s an animal.”

My eyes go wide and he holds up his hands. “I’m joking. We’re friends. That’s all. She’s all good and plenty safe. You should call her. She’d love to hear from you.”

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