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Grace continues: The press showed up at my house this morning. I need you to call me. Please. How did they get to my house?

I dial Blake and he answers on the first ring. “You’re calling about Grace,” he answers, confirming he’s still monitoring my call, which is actually, right about now, comforting.

“Yes. How did the press get to her house?”

“Josh called them. We don’t think Grace knows that piece of the puzzle.”

I blanch. “What? Why? Why would he do that?”

“When she was swarmed, he took control, and name-dropped the new security company he’s working for.”

“Now I’m worried,” I say. “You know she talked to Lucifer, right? She told him she thought Josh was dirty. I know her. She’s sweet. She won’t know how to break up with him if he’s overwhelming her, not if she’s afraid of him.”

“Lucifer stayed behind in Austin last-minute for that very reason. He’s going to be at the office, running things at your direction, and watching out for Grace.”

“Oh,” I say. “That’s good. But can you tell him not to get her naked and stuff like that? She’s vulnerable right now.”

He laughs. “I’ll certainly tell him not to get her naked and stuff. More later. I’ll be there soon.” He disconnects.

I glance up to find Adrian standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but low-slung sweatpants. His abs are distracting as is the cup of steaming coffee in his hand that makes this moment as perfect as it can be considering everything. This man, coffee, and the rest of my life, yes, please.

“You heard about Grace,” he says, crossing to sit down next to me and offering me the steaming cup.

“I did and I’m worried. I have to call her. What do I say? What if she starts talking about Josh?”

“Blake had Ed call her for that reason. It’s handled, at least for now. You can call her once we talk things out with Blake.”

“For now seems to be the story of my life,” I say, worried, but still in need of the coffee he’s handed me. I sip from the cup to find a brew that is extra wonderful. “Is this chocolate?”

“It is. I like my coffee as close to my candy as possible.”

I smile but it fades quickly. “Ed called me. Should I call him back?”

“I think you should shower and get ready before the team arrives. We need to talk through exactly who is a player on what team before you do anything.”

“Which reminds me. My mother called. Did you hear the message?”

“No. Blake listens in. I prefer you to tell me what you want me to hear.”

“I have nothing to hide.”

He strokes hair behind my ear. “And neither do I anymore. You know that, right?”

“Not yet. Not until you decide to go rogue and kill Waters.”

“I wouldn’t exactly be going rogue,” he reminds me. “You’d have to drop the case for us to have any hope that it won’t go to trial.”

“Ed could drop it,” I say. “And some part of me worries he will. I have a bad feeling about him. Then Waters would be free and you could kill him. And then, then—I don’t know.” I cut my stare from his, suddenly aware that I don’t know where I stand with Adrian. I love him. He loves me. But I think he’s still leaving. I set my cup down and stand.

Adrian catches my hand and walks me between his legs. “Go with me.”

I blink. “What?”

“I didn’t want you to have to leave. I wanted you to stay alive. I didn’t want to be the reason you had to leave, but now—”

“Now what’s changed?” I ask, tension crawling up my spine. “Why are you suddenly—”

“No.” He wraps his arm around my waist and scoops me closer. “Not suddenly. God no, Pri. I love you, woman.”

“But you suddenly—”

“Nothing is sudden. Savage talked to me on the plane. He told me he left his wife, before they were married, to protect her. His enemies still found her. And they were both miserable apart. I’ll be miserable without you, Pri. I’m hoping you feel the same way, but before you answer, know you have options.”

The bliss of his misery without me is dashed quickly with unease. “Options? What does that mean?”

“I want you to come with me because you want to be with me, Pri. If you choose to stay, I’ve talked to Blake. Walker will offer you protection here in New York, in Texas, or somewhere else, based on your safety needs and comfort level. But just so you know, Blake is also going to offer you a job if you want it. If you accept, the pay is good, and you can work for him here or anywhere in the world. I want you to be happy and—”

“Which option are you?” I ask, tuning out the rest before he’d gotten very far at all. “A or B?”

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