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I was thankful to Mrs. Duke for putting this fun day together so fast. She’d heard about what had happened and knew Ava needed something amusing, and also to show her that family wasn’t who was blood, but who you chose. And Mrs. Duke—hell, the entire brood—had chosen Ava. She might take my name when we married someday, but she’d be a Duke, too. To them, she already was.

“I thought my dad had his picture in the dictionary beside the term asshole father, but it’s possible Ava’s dad might bump him from the spot.”

I glanced down at Kaitlyn beside me as she watched Julia circle the barrels. Her red hair was back in a long braid and she had a hat on her head. She knew what she was doing, had the skill and grace and oneness with her horse that was amazing to watch, but from what I’d been told, she’d never had the desire to compete past high school.

Kaitlyn was standing on the lowest rail and I was still taller. The pint-sized librarian had a lot of spunk, especially since she’d shacked up with Duke and Jed. She’d walked around thinking the entire Duke family had always hated her because of what her father had done, but they’d all set her straight and she was letting go.

Just like Ava had to do with her dad.

“You two are very strong,” I replied finally. “Very brave.”

She shrugged as we watched Ryan, one of the ranch hands, start his turn. He made it around the first barrel really fast, but took the second too wide and had to pull up in order for his horse not to veer into the water trough. He tipped forward and for a second it seemed as if he’d fly over and land in it.

Everyone laughed and clapped at the unusual finish. Ryan, good naturedly, grinned as he tipped his hat as if to say top that.

Duke walked over leading one of the gentler mares. “You’re turn, angel.”

Kaitlyn pushed her glasses up on her nose. “If I can stay out of the water trough, I’ll call it a success.”

She gave me a backward glance as she took Duke’s hand. They headed toward Mrs. Duke and Tucker and he gave her a boost up. Her men took to bringing her to the ranch to ride at least once a week. She’d never be a barrel racer, but she could have some fun.

Everyone clapped and whistled as she cantered around the barrels, slow but steady. Both Duke and Jed were waiting for her when she crossed back out of the ring and all but fell into Jed’s arms, beaming.

Mrs. Duke, dressed like a cowgirl herself in boots, jeans and a plaid blouse, walked to the center of the ring and I moved to stand next to T. When she put two fingers in her mouth and gave an ear-splitting whistle, everyone went quiet and paid attention. She held up three candy bars. “The winners of the barrel racing are… Jed for the fastest run.” Everyone clapped and he went up and received his prize, offering Mrs. Duke a peck on the cheek in trade. “Ryan for the best performance.” Hooting and hollering followed him to Mrs. Duke and he waved his candy bar in the air as if it were Olympic gold. “And Kaitlyn. If the goal of the event was to have the slowest time, she’d have the Guinness World Record.”

Blushing, she went up and received her prize and a hug from Mrs. Duke.

“Steer roping’s up next!” she called and walked toward her husband who was waving a sandwich in the air. I wasn’t sure if he was offering it to her or cheering with it.

“Our girl competing in this one?” I asked when Tucker came over. Ryan had retrieved the ATV that towed the metal steer and drove it just inside the ring.

“She is.” Colton grinned, probably remembering the way she’d stunned us the other day with her mad skills. “Ryan and the others have been taking bets on who’ll win. Odds are in her favor over both Jed and Duke.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. From the way she handled the rope before with a cool ease, Ava could definitely hold her own. I had yet to see her do it while riding a horse, but I had no doubt she could pull it off. And I had no doubt I’d get hard as a fucking rock watching.

“So this is the life she chose.”

We turned at the voice. I leaned against the rail, arm bent and resting on the top rail. Tucker tipped his hat back and stared at Perry. There was no question the fucker standing ten feet from us was him. I imagined him in a crisp suit like the asshole he’d had watching Ava, instead he wore jeans that clearly had been ironed—perhaps by the snooty Mrs. Rouser—and a white dress shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to look casual, but there was no way he’d blend in. He screamed rich fucker. Especially with the slicked back hair, the bleached teeth shown by the fake smile. Even a stupid-ass gold pinkie ring.

The idea of Ava with him had my blood boiling, but I didn’t let it show. Every bit of her fire would be smothered out by his power complex. He might be smart enough to take down her father, but there was no fucking way he was going to mess with our girl.

“Cowpokes and cow patties,” Tucker replied, seemingly calm.

Perry’s dark gaze raked over the two of us, clearly sizing up the competition. He couldn’t beat us up, tell us to get the fuck away from Ava. That wasn’t going to work. We both had six inches and at least twenty pounds on the guy. Not only did we have backup with a whole slew of Duke boys and ranch hands, but this was our turf. No doubt he realized we could make him disappear.

“I expected more from her.”

“To be your trophy wife?” Tucker asked.

The corner of his mouth tipped up. “She’s more than that.”

“Right,” I added. “A billion or so.”

“Based on the property you’ve got here, doesn’t look like you need it.” He glanced around, but while he probably knew the value of the land, he wasn’t all that impressed. I imagined this was the first time he’d stepped off of concrete.

“Based on that fancy rental car, I’d say you don’t need it either,” I replied, tipping my head toward the luxury sedan parked by all the trucks and SUVs. I took a step closer. “The difference is, we don’t need her cash. We want Ava.”

“What are you doing here?” Tucker asked. “Kidnap Ava and get her before a judg

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