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Fang lifted my chin and looked down at me intently. He took a deep breath. “I’ve waited my whole life to be with you. Do you get that?”

My heart fluttered as I nodded. I did. I felt exactly the same way.

“So can’t we just enjoy this? Just for a little while?”

Fang’s eyes were liquid black in the darkness, that familiar lopsided little smile playing across his lips. His lips… My heart raced as he leaned in again, never taking his eyes from my face. Then those perfect lips met mine in the softest, most tender kiss, and I closed my eyes and breathed in the sweetness of him.

When I finally opened my eyes again, dazed with happiness, Fang looked shocked, almost pained, like he’d just realized something.

“What?” I asked, nervous.

“Nothing. I just…” His voice was hoarse. “This is everything. You’re all I need.”

Then Fang’s lips crashed into mine again, even more passionately, almost desperately. I kissed him back fiercely. I felt his fingers tangle in my hair, then his hands moving over my stomach, my hips, pulling me closer.

I pressed against him, our legs twisted in the hammock. My entire body was shaking as I kissed him deeper, with a desire—a need—I didn’t even know I had. I wasn’t actually positive I was even breathing.

Fang held me tightly, like he’d never, ever let go again, and we kissed for what felt like an eternity, for all of those tense moments that had been building between us for years, and for every second we’d been apart. We kissed like we were inhaling each other, like we would live and die in this moment.

We kissed like the world was ending.


AND THEN, SUDDENLY, it was like the world really was ending.

Without warning, an explosion tore through my tree house, dangerously rocking the structure like an earthquake. Adrenaline overloaded my system and Fang and I scrambled to untwist from the hammock and ran inside. Our senses were hammered from all sides: Glass shattering. Wood splintering. Someone crashing toward us with the force of a tornado. What on earth—

“GET OUT!” someone yelled at full volume. “GET OUT NOW!”

A tall figure emerged from the shadows, looking totally strung out and insane and desperate.

I nearly shrieked in fury. After ruining everything else, now he was ruining my perfect night with Fang.

“Dylan!” I exploded at him. “What are you even doing here? On our island?”

“Max! Just give me a chance to explain—”

“A chance?” My mouth hung open. I could not believe what I was hearing. “How dare you. You went ballistic!” I yelled. “You abandoned the flock. And, oh, yeah, you TRIED TO KILL FANG! You don’t get anything, do you? There are no more chances!”

“But this is it!” Dylan persisted. “I saw something, in the sky.” His eyes were wild. “We have to get out right now!”

“No. You need to get out,” Fang said in a low voice. He stepped closer so that his face was inches from Dylan’s. “Now.”

Dylan didn’t flinch, but grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me toward the door. Fang shot forward, batting his hand away. Fang’s face was warped with anger, his body rigid and his wings spread wide. He looked deadly.

Things were spiraling out of control.

“Look, I know things haven’t been the best between us lately,” Dylan said, backtracking. “But you guys just have to trust me—”

“Trust you?” Fang almost spit. “Why should we trust you?”

“Because I have always, always had Max’s best interests at heart,” Dylan answered. Fang scoffed, but Dylan continued, his voice rising. “Because every second you stay he

re you’re putting her at risk—putting everyone at risk. Do you really want that on your shoulders? Don’t you care about her at all?”

“Enough!” I yelled, stepping between them. “Okay,” I snapped, pointing to Dylan. “You have sixty seconds. Start talking. Now.”
