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Knows it all

Good taste in music

Can’t sing. At all.

Likes me

Hot for Dylan

Eats as much as I do

Burps like a trucker

Believes in me

Skeptical of EVERYONE else

Needs me sometimes

Doesn’t need me sometimes

Thinks with her heart

Reacts with her heart

Keeps me on my game

Stubborn doesn’t cover it

Nice lips

Bony toes

Can act like she’s my mom


Wants to make the world a better place

Takes on too much

Could stay with her forever

Distraction from what we need to do


Chad, Africa

Hot, Hungry, and Thankful Not to Have HIV O’clock

Here we are in Africa, where the focus is not on us and our problems. It’s on the crippling injustice in the world. The GDP (“gross domestic product”—don’t ask me; just look it up!) of Chad is 16.1 billion dollars. The GDP of the USA is 14.3 trillion dollars. Chew on that.

It’s pretty overwhelming. What can I, in the tiny scope of one life, possibly do to make a lasting and large change in the world? I’m a bird kid and a borderline celebrity at this point … but still, I’m just a drop in the bucket.

I’m down tonight, so here I am blithering on like Nudge. Max is asleep, and so is everyone else. Strange. We bird kids don’t take sleep for granted, you know? Occasionally things chill out … but they never really chill out. We just forget how crazy everything is… .

Okay. The bottom line is that what Angel said scared the bejeezy out of me. There. I said it.
