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I stared. "How did you hear so quickly?"

"We have you under surveillance. For safety reasons," said the lieutenant colonel stiffly. Actually, he seemed incapable of speaking in any other way, so from now on, if he talks, assume it's "stiffly" and I'll quit putting that in, okay?

"Oh, for Pete's sake," I muttered, heading off to our hut to change.

"Fang!" said Brigid, pushing past me. "I can't believe you risked your life for that little boy! You're wonderful!"

I gazed openmouthed as Brigid gave Fang a big bear hug, wrapping her arms around him. I was about to say, "I risked my life too," but then realized I didn't want her to hug me. And I didn't want to look petty. And the truth was, the rescue had been a snap, compared to other situations, like when Angel and the dogs had been trapped in an ice crevasse in Antarctica. Or when we'd all been in a huge cage, and my half brother, Ari, had literally chewed his way through its metal bars to set us free. For example.

Today we hadn't risked anything except the possibility of our new jeans shrinking up on us. My jaw set in disgust as I stalked past them, my stomach clenching at the sight of Brigid pressed against Fang like ugly on an ape.

"You must come have dinner with us at the Officer's Mess," Brigid gushed.

"Uh, I'm busy," Fang muttered.

My eyes widened, but I kept walking and refused to turn around. That's me: suave Max.

"Hey," Fang said, falling into step with me. I looked at him. "We have to eat. Let's you and me go into town. I'll treat you to the b

est artery-clogging Hawaiian food we can find."

My heart began thudding painfully inside my chest. I wondered if Fang could hear it. "You mean the whole flock?" I asked casually, trying not to shriek with tension.

"Nah. They can eat at the Officer's Mess with Brigid and John," he said.

I stopped and looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but my own reflection, as usual. "Just you and me?" I repeated, barely hanging on to my suavity by my fingernails.

His eyes were unreadable. "Yeah."

"Hawaiian food?"


I was still grossed out by the Brigid display and wanted to coolly brush past him with a mild, "I'll think about it." But the combination of having Fang all to myself, plus fun food, was rapidly pummeling my self-respect into the dust. Then I remembered something.

"The last time we… left the flock, all heck broke loose," I reminded him.

He grinned, one of those rare Fang grins that lights up his face and makes the sun stop in its tracks.

"This time they're protected by the U.S. Navy," he pointed out.

I laughed, relief flooding through me. "Well, okay. You got me there." Oh, boy, did he have me.


WAS THIS A DATE? Those four words kept swirling through my mind, over and over, and it was getting to the point where I wanted the old Voice back, just for a change of pace, to hear someone who at least pretended to be rational.

Which I so wasn't. The whole thing was like a dream. All I knew was that we were in Honolulu. There were festive streetlights and store windows everywhere, crowds of people walking past, many sailors in uniform, an ocean, kind of all around us, and…

Me and Fang. Holding hands and eating ice cream.

And the flock was safe on a giant naval base where you couldn't even spit without hitting an antiaircraft missile.

If life got better than this, I didn't think I could take it.

I wanted time to stand still, and not in the creepy, 'someone injected drugs into my brain so time has become meaningless' kind of way but just…every second had weight. My skin was tingling, my brain was racing, and everything seemed extra whatever it was. Extrafun. Extrabeautiful. Extrayummy.

The hand holding Fang's seemed to have three times as many sense receptors, and I hoped it wasn't some new ability showing up. I was still worried about gills appearing.
