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“The Director is a brilliant woman with a global vision,” Jeb said.

“Yeah, a deranged global vision,” I said sourly.

“She’s a remarkable, gifted scientist.”


can’t she use her powers for good instead of evil? Like, cure cancer or something. And no, killing everyone who has cancer does not count as a cure.”

“Dr. Janssen is an ambitious, talented political strategist,” Jeb said. “She could very well end up running the world. One day she might be the most powerful person on Earth. As her daughter, you would be in a position of unimaginable advantage.”

“Except that I would have changed my name and dyed my hair and would be living incognito somewhere to avoid the embarrassment of having a ruthless, power-crazy Dr. Frankenstein for a mother,” I pointed out.

“Even if she were the most powerful person in the world, and being her daughter would give you almost unlimited power too?” Jeb asked.

I made a face. “If I had that much power, the first thing I would do is slam her into jail.”

Jeb just looked at me. “What else would you do?”

“Put her in jail,” I repeated. “Plus all the others who lent a hand to this hateful Goldfinger plan of world domination. Plus, I would say that all wars would be fought only on foot with nothing more than swords. No guns, no missiles, no bombs. Only swords.” I looked up, warming to the idea of World Emperor Max. “And I would seize all the offshore hidden bank accounts of companies and people who had contributed to ruining the environment. With that money, I would make sure that health care and education were available to everyone for free.”

I felt Nudge and Angel smile against my shoulders, and I sat up straighter. “Plus, housing and food for everyone. Companies that polluted would be shut down and banished. People in the government who ignored the environment and started wars would be booted out of office and made to work in the fields. And—”

Jeb held up his hand and stopped me. “You just passed another test, Max.”


“Excellent,” I said, irritated all over again. “Then get us out of this stinking dungeon.”

“What test did she pass?” Nudge asked, raising her head a little.

Jeb turned to her. “She’s incorruptible.”

Bully for me. “At least by power,” I said. “You haven’t tried Snickers bars or cute shoes.”

Jeb smiled at me. It still hurt my heart when he did that.

“You don’t want the Director to be your mother no matter what kind of power you would get from it.”

“I don’t want the Director to be my mother because she’s an insane witch,” I said.

His smile widened, and I barely suppressed an urge to punch him.

“The Director isn’t your mother.”

Had I heard right? Was he just snowing me? I felt Nudge and Angel stiffen, and Ari clumsily sat up and rubbed his eyes. He blinked at seeing Jeb but didn’t say anything.

“What do you mean?” I said suspiciously. “Is this one of your chain yanks? I mean, for God’s sake, make up your mind!”

“The Director, Marian Janssen, engineered your design and development,” Jeb explained. “She oversaw the whole project. To her, that must feel like motherhood.”

“Oh, my God, and here I thought she couldn’t get any more pathetic.” Relief was flooding through me that such a horrible, crazy person truly had not passed on her DNA to me.

“She didn’t donate an egg?” I needed to be sure.

Jeb shook his head. “She shares no genetic material with you.”

I dropped my head. “I’m really, really glad,” I muttered. Of course, it left me with my same old “mystery guest” for a mother, but I swear, anyone would have been better than that freak show. I couldn’t believe Jeb had just waltzed in here and told me. He, more than anyone else, should have known how huge it was, finding out who my mother was. Or wasn’t.
