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I couldn’t take any more of this. “So what happens now, Ari?”

“I’ll take you back,” said Ari.

We didn’t speak as he navigated the halls and levels of this village of nightmares. I wondered, if his expiration date was real, how it must feel for him to know that the end of his life was coming soon, minute by minute, second by second. The flock and I had faced death a thousand times, but it had always had an element of “maybe we can slide out of this.”

To have a date tattooed on your neck—it was like looking up and seeing a train’s headlights coming right at you, and your feet just can’t move off the track. I was going to check the backs of our necks as soon as I could.

“Max, I—” Ari stopped, pausing outside the door to the flock’s ward.

I waited.

“I wish—,” he said, his voice breaking.

I didn’t know what he’d been about to say, but I didn’t need to know. I patted his hand, perpetually morphed out into a heavy, hairy, Eraser-clawed mitt.

“We all wish, Ari.”


The next day they let us loose.

“Is it time for us to die?” Nudge asked. She sidled closer to me, and I put my arm around her.

“I don’t know, sweetie,” I told her. “But if it is, I’m taking a bunch of ’em with me.”

“Me too,” said Gazzy bravely. I gathered the Gasman to my other side.

Fang leaned against a wall, his eyes on me. We hadn’t had any time to talk privately since we’d gotten here, but I caught his gaze and tried to send him a look that had everything I was thinking in it. He was a big boy. He could handle the swear words.

The room’s door swung open, with its peculiar air rush. A tall, sandy-haired man strode in as if he were the king of the world. He was followed by Anne Walker and another whitecoat I hadn’t seen before.

“Dese are dey?” he asked, sounding like Ahnold in The Terminator.

Already he had me angry. “We be them,” I said snarkily, and his pale, watery blue eyes focused on me like lasers.

“Dis vould be de vun called Max?” he asked his assistant, as if I couldn’t hear.

“I not only would be Max, I am Max,” I said, interrupting the assistant’s answer. “In fact, I’ve always been Max and always will be.”

His eyes narrowed. Mine narrowed back at him.

“Yes, I can see vhy dey’ve been slated for extermination,” he said casually, as his assistant made notes on a clipboard.

“And I can see why you were voted ‘least popular’ in your class,” I said. “So I guess we’re even.”

He ignored me, but I saw a tiny muscle in his jaw twitch.

Next, his eyes lit on Nudge. “Dis vun can’t control her mouth or, obviously, her brain,” he said. “Something vent wrong vis her thought processes, clearly.”

I felt Nudge stiffen at my side. “Bite me,” she said.

That’s my girl.

“Und dis vun,” he went on, pointing at Gazzy. “His digestive system has disastrous flaws.” He shook his head. “Perhaps an enzyme imbalance.”

Anne Walker listened expressionlessly.

“Dis vun—vell, you can see it for yourself,” the man said, with a casual flick of his hand at Iggy. “Multiple defects. A complete failure.”
