Page 34 of Perfect Notes

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He shrugged and grinned, but didn’t answer my question.

“Eleven. That’s ages away.” I pulled the duvet back over my head.

“Oh, no. It’s time for your bath.” He groped under the covers and pinched my bottom.

“Ouch.” I shuffled away from him.

“Nice hot, aromatic bath.” He caressed my butt.

I quivered. “Don’t,” I muttered half-heartedly. “I’m tired.”

“Ah, you slept like a log. Actually, you snored.”

I flung back the covers and sprang up in a state of indignation. “I did no such thing.”

Stefan completed my uncovering, flinging the duvet to one side, then he grabbed at my ankles and dragged me to the edge of the bed.

I slapped at his hands. “Naughty,” I exclaimed, giggling.

“Bath, Mausi.” He positioned my feet on the wooden flooring. “I’ll go run it.”

From my stark naked, semi-reclined location on the edge of his bed, I watched him disappear into the en suite. A moment later, I heard the sound of gushing water.

By the time I’d finished my coffee, the bath was filled. I poked my head around the door and the steam hit my face. So did the aromatic smell of lavender. The corner bathtub released plumes of white vapor, and tippling over the edge, white foam.

He stood to one side and offered me his hand. “Don’t worry. This is a wet room. If the bath overflows, it drains away and waters the garden.”

I balanced on one leg and dangled a toe in the water. Letting Stefan support me, I climbed in and sank into the depths of bubbles and delicious warmth. I leaned back, placing my head on a padded rest incorporated into the design of the tub.

“Mmm,” I murmured.

The water stirred, lapping about my body. I opened my eyes. A naked Stefan had one foot in the bath. I scrambled along the bottom of the bath and sat bolt upright. “You’re joining me?”

“Naturally. What did you think I would do?” He maneuvered around my body and positioned his legs on either side of me before slipping down behind.

“I’ve never shared my bath before…”

He laid his hands on my shoulders and drew me backward onto his chest. “Do you have a big bath?”


“Then that’s probably why.”

I relaxed, letting my head lie on one of his shoulders. “Lovely.”

For a little while, we swathed ourselves in hot bathwater and I purred. A little engine of contentment chugged away inside me. His heartbeats resounded close to my ear, a comforting, repetitive sound.

It nudged me. A flicker of movement against my lower spine. I wriggled and pushed a little backward. Another twitch. My body responded instantly. My nipples stiffened and I pressed my thighs together. On either side of my legs, to accommodate his height, he sat with bent knees. I leaned on his kneecaps and shoved myself into his groin.

“Leibling, what are you doing?” he murmured into my ear.

I gyrated and his cock hardened.

“Nothing,” I lied.

My heart soared with excitement. I was doing this to him. Under the layer of white foam, magic happened. He roved with his hands, cupping my breasts and squeezing them gently. I had to move. Turning to face him, I knelt astride his legs and pressed my lips to his mouth, brushing away the suds in his goatee. The bristles had grown into lengthy hairs and softened.

“I want you,” I confessed. “Don’t let me go, ever.”
