Page 51 of Lightbringer (Empirium 3)
“Years ago, they were a famous television couple. Dale Evans was Roy Rogers’ wife. My parents loved them, watched reruns of their programs and had tapes of their movies. My mother named the gelding Maggie rides Dale.” He chuckled. “Anyway, Maggie loves Dale.”
“I need to be in touch with Maggie’s love of horses. I’m not interested so she doesn’t say much to me.”
“You don’t need to share every interest with your friends. I don’t have any hobbies or interests and you still like me.”
“Dave, that’s not true. You’re slowly going through my books. You like all the Stephen Ambrose books. They’re stacked up on your side of the bed.”
“Yeah, I liked the movieBand of Brothersand when I saw you had the book, I read it. I like his writing.”
“So, youdohave an interest,” she said, grinning.
Katrina didn’t tell him that the thing that had attracted her to Alphé was that he was an avid reader. Well, listener to audio books when he was out on his fishing boat. Learning that Dave was a reader relieved her. She hoped their son would be a reader. She’d read that children with Down syndrome can learn to read and enjoy reading according to their abilities.
At that moment, Katrina vowed to nurture their son’s gifts and interests, regardless of what they would be. If he was a reader, all the better; it would be something they’d share.
“I like other things,” he said, grinning over at her. They took each other’s hands. “We have what’s called in these parts a testosterone relationship.”
She barked out a laugh. “Maggie told me all about it. What else do you like? There has to be something else. It’s a little late, asking questions at this stage of our relationship.”
“You’ll laugh.”
“I will not.”
“I like to garden,” he said, pleased. “Flowers.”
“You do?”
“I love it. I like to decorate for the holidays.Loveto decorate.”
“So that’s why you get so stoked about Justin’s decorations.”
“Exactly. And the coup de grace, I like women’s fashion.” Bursting into laughter, he watched her face for a reaction. “It’s why I was hoping for a little girl. If I’m going to do this, what better model than a little girl?”
Stunned, Katrina was speechless, listening to him.
“I can sew. Yep. That’s why I was so intrigued with the gold paper tablecloths you and Maggie wore at the Twelfth Night Party.”
“Wait. You can sew fabric on a machine. We’re not talking a needle and thread, right?”
“I can do that, too,” he said.
“I am shocked. I’m more than shocked. Do you like to interior decorate?”
“Love it.”
“That’s wonderful!” she cried. “I hate decorating.”
“I love what you did to this place,” Dave replied. “I wouldn’t touch a thing.”
“All I can say is wow. I am the most uncreative person and I end up with Mr. Artiste. What are the chances?”
“I’m definitely in touch with the right side of my brain.”
“I don’thavea right side of the brain,” she said, howling.
The torch fuel burned out just as Katrina yawned. “I guess it’s time to call it a night.”
“You’ve had a long day. Tomorrow we can go to Bayou Cottage and get upset all over again.”