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I sit down at the breakfast bar. She does, too, and she immediately digs in to the sushi. She makes an orgasmic sound as she chews, with her eyes closed. My dick twitches.

We pig out in silence for a couple minutes and then I notice she’s looking out at the city. “Quite a view.”

I smile. “Yep.” But, I’m looking at her.

She flushes red and pops another piece of green dragon roll into the soy sauce and puts a big sliver of ginger on top.

“Oh. More photos like in San Diego.” She gestures to a wall.

“Yeah, it’s a hobby,” I shrug.

Her eyes go wide. “You took those? And the ones back in San Diego?”


“They’re great. You’ve got a good eye. I mean, I don’t know anything about photography, but… they’re good, Aiden.”

I dip my chopstick into the glob of wasabi and shrug. “Thanks.”

She looks at the food with horror. “That stuff is way too hot.”

“It’s hot. But I just take a bit. Try it.”

“I only tried it once and it burned my face off. But, I smeared it like it was peanut butter.”

I touch it with the chopstick and dot a tiny speck onto a piece of butterfish sushi. “Try that one.”

She looks at it with hesitation and then picks it up with her chopsticks and takes a bite. She chews slowly, bracing, but the horror doesn’t come.

“Not so bad?” I ask.

She nods and sips her wine. “Not so bad.”

She dots a speck of wasabi onto another roll, bathes it in soy sauce, and lifts it.

I smirk and eat another stuffed olive and then stretch. “I’m wiped. Seein’ double. Gotta crash.”

“I’ll help you put all this away. I’m tired, too.” She pops the piece in her mouth and gets to her feet.

We work in silence, wrapping all the food up and she passes it to me as I put it in the fridge. She handwashes the two plates I’d put out as well as the bread knife and then she wipes the counter. It’s odd to see a woman that’s not an employee cleaning my kitchen. Any woman I’d had here for any limited amount of time wasn’t here long enough to need to clean, but I highly doubt any of them would have.

“Goodnight,” she says hesitantly.

“Night, Carly,” I say.

And then I hit my bed and lie there for two hours thinking about her. I fall asleep with my hand on my spent cock, sated after a fast fap session, imagining her here, in this bed with me.

What the fuck is goin’ on with me? I didn’t even try to blank out her face this time. Wouldn’t matter, though. I haven’t been able to blank her out for a week.


I hear crying. I sit up. What is that? A woman crying? No, not crying, whimpering, like she’s getting fucked. I strain to listen. Is that Carly? Is she touching herself across the hall from me?

I step into the hall and there’s more noise. A cry that sounds panicked.

“Aiden! No!”

I open the door and rush in. She’s in the bed, thrashing. She’s having a nightmare.
