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“Oh, that bitch!”

He startled then grinned slightly. “Yeah, that’s what I said. Along with a few other things. Got rid of him and told her to get out. Told her it was over. She cried, asked me how I could kick out the mother of her baby. At that stage I wasn’t even sure it was mine. But she told me she’d get a DNA test done that would prove it was. I told her she was still leaving. That if the child was mine, I’d take care of it, but, right then, I didn’t want to see her face. I heard her on the phone to her mother as she packed some things, telling her all sorts of lies. Can’t blame them for believing her, she sounded hysterical. You know, I’m not even sure why she married me in the first place.”

“Her friends thought it was so cool she was married to a Navy Seal,” she told him gently, hurting for him and furious at her selfish cousin. “It was a status thing.”

He nodded. “Figures. I shouldn’t have driven her out that night. She was upset. I should have insisted she stay while I left. Then maybe . . . maybe they wouldn’t have died.”

“Oh, Curt.” She hugged him tightly.

He turned to look at her. “My feelings for Amelia were just a young man’s lust. My feelings for you are much deeper. If anything happened to you . . .”

She knew then that she loved him. Not a child’s love or an infatuation. She loved him deeply. And she had a feeling he felt the same. God, it was going to hurt so much if he didn’t feel the same way, but she had to tell him how she felt.

“I love you, Curt. I always have.”

Pleasure filled his face. “I love you too, Jenna.”

Thank you, God. That knot inside her unraveled as elation filled her. He loved her. “Nothing is going to happen to me.”

His gaze turned fierce. “No, it won’t. I’ll see to that.”

He kissed her, and the sorrow was soon flushed away by deep lust. He cupped her breast, pinching her nipple lightly. She gasped, pulling back. She glanced down at his body, itching to explore him. She’d never taken a man into her mouth before, had never seen the appeal, but with Curt everything was different.

“Curt, please, can I?” She pointed at his cock, unable to say it.


He raised both eyebrows. “What do you call me?”

Her nipples hardened further at his hard tone. “Sir, may I?”

“May you what?”

Crap. He was going to make her say it. “May I suck your cock?”

He grinned. “You may.”

She knelt in front of him, and he parted his legs as she laid kisses on them. She cupped his balls gently, delicately.

“You can be firmer than that, sweetheart,” he told her.

Glancing up uncertainly, she bit her lip. “Will you tell me what to do?”

His eyes flared. “You’ve never done this before?”

She shook her head, blushing slightly. How many twenty-seven-year-olds hadn’t given a blow job for God’s sake.

He smiled, and this time it reached his eyes. “Aren’t you full of surprises? First of all, there’s little you can do I won’t like, so long as you don’t use your teeth or grab hold of my balls too hard. Take hold of the base of my cock with your other hand and take the head into your mouth.”

Oh, fuck, he’d died and gone to heaven. Her mouth was a little clumsy, her hold on him uncertain, but he didn’t think he’d ever felt so turned on by a blow job in his life. Her mouth was warm and wet and those little noises she was making were almost his undoing.

“That’s it, darlin’, now take my balls in your other hand and squeeze them lightly.”

He shut his eyes. Fuck! Had anything ever felt so good. She carefully caressed his balls while running her hand up and down his dick.

And unless he wanted to come in her mouth, he knew he needed to pull her back. He grasped her chin.

“Easy, baby, let me go.”

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