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She decided she didn’t like Paul Hendricks very much. The older FBI agent was arrogant and demanding. And he kept asking her the same questions over and over until she wanted to scream.

Finally, she snapped. “Have you got a memory problem, Agent Hendricks?”

He looked surprised, but his partner, Agent Mike Marshal, just looked resigned, and a little bored. “What? No.”

“Well, I’m beginning to think you must, since you keep asking me the same questions over and over. Maybe you need to get one of those recording devices so you can tape our interview. Your phone will even do it. Would you like me to show you how?”

He narrowed his gaze at her. “This is no laughing matter, young lady.”

She hadn’t been called a young lady in a while. Nancy used to call her that when she got into trouble. She certainly felt like she’d done something wrong from the way Hendricks was treating her.

“I can assure you, I’m not laughing. I also think I’m done answering your questions. I don’t know anything about my dad’s alleged arms trading. I never heard him mention anything to do with shipping weapons to the Middle East or Africa. I never overheard any conversations with Doug about it. And I never heard him mention The Brit. Now, if that’s all, I’ve got things to do.”

“We may have more questions.”

“You know where to find us,” Curt said as he stood.

“Actually,” Jenna said, rising as well and leaving the agents no recourse but to stand. Travis lounged over by the door but he straightened as they stood. “I think we’ll be going back to Dallas today. I need to see my mother and make sure she’s not traumatized after being interrogated and harassed by the two of you.”

“This wasn’t an interrogation, Ms. Jasons. I can assure you that if it were, you would certainly know it. And we didn’t harass her. She was too drugged up to be of much use.”

They moved towards the door and left without sayi

ng goodbye.

“Bye-bye,” Jenna called through the doorway, waving, then slammed the door behind them. “Asses.”

“That’s what everyone says when they meet Hendricks,” Travis said with amusement. “You handled them well.”

She didn’t feel like she had. She felt shaken and ill.

Curt turned her towards him, brushing the hair back from her face. “Look at me.”

She glanced up at him.

“You sure you’re ready to go back to Dallas?”

“I’ll be fine,” she said bravely.

“If we’re leaving, I need to go pack my stuff,” Travis said hastily and left.

“Jenna, I know you haven’t been in a relationship with a Dom before and we haven’t spoken about what we expect from each other but as my sub, there’s going to be rules for you to follow.”

Funny, she’d never have guessed.

“BDSM almost became a necessity for me after Amelia and the baby died. I found myself in a downward spiral. I was drinking heavily, getting into fights, I was furious at the world. I guess part of me didn’t want to keep going.”

Sorrow filled her at his obvious pain. “You really loved her, huh?”

A strange look crossed over his face, and he sighed. “There are some things I probably need to tell you about my relationship with Amelia, but not right now. But I will tell you I don’t know where I would have ended up if Gray hadn’t found me. I knew him from my time in the navy. He helped me get sober, got me back on track, and gave me a purpose. And he introduced me to BDSM. I needed it. Needed that feeling of being in control. Even though it appeared I’d pulled myself together, inside I still felt like a mess and I didn’t really trust myself.”

“What do you mean? You didn’t trust yourself not to hurt someone?”

“Yeah., I still had a lot of anger over what happened with Amelia. I was worried I’d take that out on a sub. Being at the Twisted Thorn gave me a sense of security. There were monitors and rules, and I could lay everything out first so there were no misunderstandings. I found that dominating my partner was what I needed, it made me feel more centered and in control.”

“You could never harm an innocent, Curt.”

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