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Travis’ brother had traced some of the numbers; they belonged to some people with mental health issues. She was amazed by how people had discovered her phone number so quickly, but apparently, very little was private nowadays. Most of the recorded messages were from reporters.

Brye walked toward them, looking Travis and Curt over as though sizing them up.


“Brye, hi,” she said cheerfully. “Meet Travis and Curt. They’re staying with me for a few days. Curt was married to my cousin.”

Brye held out his hand and shook theirs. He was a little shorter but just as muscular. Brye had been Special Forces before he’d retired and moved to Haven.

“Is it okay if Travis and Curt use the gym equipment?” she asked.

“Sure. Any friends of yours are welcome here.”

“I’m going to the class with you,” Curt told her.

She gave him an exasperated look.

“We don’t allow men in our self-defense classes,” Brye told him.

Curt turned to her, giving her a thoughtful look.

“It makes the women nervous to have someone watch. I?

?m sure you understand.” Brye raised his eyebrows at her as if questioning Curt’s overly protective behavior.

Curt sighed. He pointed at her. “Fine. Stay here, though.”

“Got nowhere else to go.”

He was being ridiculous> after those messages last night, he’d become even more protective.

As soon as Curt and Travis left, her friends surrounded her. She gave Mel a hug for her birthday yesterday.

“Whoa, girl, don’t tell me you’re sleeping with both of those hunks of spunk,” Mel said.

Jenna blushed. “Of course not.”

“Just one of them then?” Josie asked. “Which one? Because I call dibs on the other.”

Hannah whacked their friend on the head. “Josie, you can’t just call dibs.”

“Thank you, Hannah,” Jenna said.

“Not when I saw them first.”

Melody rolled her eyes. “Guys, give Jenna break. Well?”

“I’m not sleeping with either of them. They’re just here because they had to deliver some news in person. They’re leaving soon.”

Around her, faces dropped.

“But they’re coming out tonight, right?” Melody asked.

“Um, I don’t know. But I can ask.”

Brye called them all over for their lesson.

Suddenly, she regretted she hadn’t left for Dallas already.

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