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“Yes. You know how people are. Sometimes they want to believe the worst. And once this story breaks, reporters will be hounding you for an interview. You’re going to need protection.”

“And what? You’re offering to protect me?”

“It’s what I do. I work as a bodyguard and investigator. I’m here to help you, Jenna.”

“You want me to hire you?”

He scowled. “I’m not after your damn money.”

“But you work for Black-Gray. You can’t just work for free.”

“I’ll take leave if that’s what you’re worried about.”

It wasn’t. She couldn’t think. “Why is Travis here? He doesn’t work for Black-Gray.”

“Travis came to us with this information before your father was arrested. He has a contact in the FBI who wanted information about your kidnapping. He gave Travis a heads up in return.”

“Why did he come to you about this?”

“He knew we were family.”

Right, family. Because of Amelia.

She blew out a sigh. “I don’t expect you to disrupt your life because of all of this, Curt. You should go back to Dallas. Both of you.”

He shook his head. “We’re not going anywhere.”

Those words filled her with relief. She should be strong enough to deal with all this on her own, but right now she really didn’t to be alone.

She rubbed at her head. “I can’t believe this.”

“Look, this has all been a shock and you can’t do anything right now. Why don’t you go have that soak? Then you can call your mother and we can talk about where to go from here.”

Right, because a bath was going to make everything better.


Chapter Eight

Jenna lay back in the bath, thoughts whirling around in her head. She should be attempting to relax and relieve the ache in her tight muscles, but she couldn’t focus on anything except what her father must be going through right now.

Travis had returned with her phone as she’d been running the bath. She’d tried to get through to her mother without success. Eventually, she’d managed to get ahold of her aunt, who had taken her mother back to her house after she’d been interviewed by FBI and ATF agents, apparently both groups were involved in this case.

According to her aunt, her mother was an absolute mess. Jenna had figured as much. She’d been given a sedative, so she wouldn’t be able to talk to her until morning.

She should go home, but just the thought of it made her stomach tighten with dread. Going back to Dallas would involve dealing with public scrutiny and condemnation. It would mean having to look after her mother and cope with her dramatics. It could also mean confronting her father about whether he was guilty.

She shouldn’t have any questions in her mind. A good daughter shouldn’t. She should just believe her father was innocent. But there was a little niggle in the back of her mind that wouldn’t go away.

She didn’t want to return to the city. She wanted to stay here in Haven where it felt like nothing bad could touch her. Out there, she’d be on her own. Well, she’d have Curt. But for how long? No matter what he said he couldn’t just take time off from his job. And while she had some money, she knew hiring Black-Gray would be costly. If her father’s assets were frozen, she might need to help support her mother.

Jesus, what a mess.

Finally, when the water was cooling, Jenna rose. Earlier, Curt had wanted to help her in and out of the bath. She blushed at the thought. He was completely overreacting to what had happened earlier today.

She studied herself in the mirror, wincing at the big, nasty bruise on her hip. Her elbows were scraped raw, but the cuts weren’t deep. She wasn’t badly injured but she looked drawn, pale, and fragile.

She clenched her hands into fists. Damn it. She’d worked long and hard to build up her strength, to find her old confidence and courage, and to ensure she wouldn’t be a victim again. Yet, that’s exactly what she looked like.

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