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“Because the last thing she needed was someone interfering. It was a delicate situation with Daisy and Mrs. Childs. Logan and Max were acting on my orders when they restrained you.”

“Well maybe your orders were wrong.”

“That so?” the sheriff drawled. “You know, I was going to play nice and let you out with a warning. Seeing as how our Jenna speaks so highly of you.”

He didn’t miss the emphasis on “our Jenna.” She wasn’t their anything. She was Curt’s.

“But now I see that maybe you need a bit more time to think over your actions.”

He turned to walk away, and panic filled Curt. “Wait!”

The sheriff stilled.

“Jenna was putting herself at risk. I thought this town took care of its women.”

“It does.” The sheriff turned back with a glare. “But she was being watched over. Colin was there to tranquilize Daisy if she went for Jenna. And Mrs. Childs desperately needed help. She’s one of our women as well.”

He knew they’d be here all day and still not come to an agreement. Curt would never agree to Jenna putting herself in danger. Whatever the reason.

“I have some urgent business with Jenna.”

“Yeah?” the sheriff drawled. “You want to tell me what that is?”

“It’s personal.”

“Yeah, that’s what the Travis said.”

“Travis? You’ve spoken to him?”

“He made himself a citizen’s arrest. Not really something we encourage, but his tactics were effective. He got the purse snatcher. And he managed not to punch him in the nose. There’s a lot you can learn from him.”

Curt knew that if he kept grinding his teeth together like this he was going to wear away all the enamel. Plus, he’d give himself one hell of a migraine.

“Look, you can keep me in here overnight, but that’s just a waste of tax payers’ money and your time. We both know I’m not a threat to anyone.”

“Well, now, maybe I’m keeping you in here for your own protection. Got a couple of pissed off men who wouldn’t mind a little chat with you.”

Curt blew out a breath. “Let me talk to Jenna, and I’ll be out of this town by this evening.”

“Yeah? You planning on dropping this information and leaving her, are you?”

“Of course not. I’ll be taking her with me.”

The sheriff raised his eyebrows, smirking slightly. “That so? Seems funny, considering the life Jenna has built here, a job, a house, and friends, that she’d just up and leave. With you.”

Calm. Remain calm.

“What I have to tell her concerns her parents. She needs to come back to Dallas with me.”

The sheriff didn’t appear to move but he seemed more alert. “They okay?”

“Not really. Now will you let me out?”

“All right. On the understanding that if you create any more trouble in my town, I’m going to come down hard on you.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on. He nodded impatiently and waited for him to unlock the door.

After they went through the paperwork, and he gathered up his stuff, including his weapon, which the sheriff felt the need to lecture him about once more, he walked out into the waiting area. Around him the noise quietened, and people stared. And through that silence came her laughter.

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