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“He’s been dealing in arms trading.”

“What?” Curt couldn’t have been more surprised if they’d told him he liked to dress up as a creepy clown and scare young children. “That can’t be right. He wouldn’t.”

“According to the feds, it is. They’re planning on executing a warrant to search his business and home in a few hours.”

Curt stood. “Well, why the fuck didn’t you say so?” He had to get over there, Jenna would need him. “Jenna will need help, I—”

Cady reached up and grabbed his hand. “Jenna’s not there, Curt.”

“What? What do you mean, she’s not there? Where is she?”

She’d moved out? He knew things hadn’t been great for her living under her parents roof but he thought she would have . . . would have what? Told him she was leaving? Given him her new address? He hadn’t spoken to her since that night he’d pushed her away. Pushed? Hell. He’d given her an almighty shove. Told her neither of them could ever be what the other one needed. What a lie that was.

He knew he could never be what she deserved. But damned if he didn’t dream about that kiss every night, waking up with a hard-on. He barely slept. When he wasn’t working he was at the gym or the club trying to rid himself of the memory of her soft lips pressed against him, the feel of her body, her sweet, strawberry scent surrounding him.

“She moved away a few months ago.”

“Away?” He didn’t like the way she said that. “Away where?”

“Small town in Texas. Has a funny name. I’d need to look back through my texts from her.”

Cady was getting texts from her? He’d received nothing.

And you expected anything else, idiot?

“Haven,” Lacey said quietly. “The town is called Haven.”

“Haven? Really?” Travis asked.

“You know it?” Curt snapped.

“I’ve been there before when I was working a case,” Travis replied quietly.

“Why did no one tell me any of this?”

Cady looked up at him. “Why would we? If she’d wanted you to know, she would have told you.”

Fuck. She was right. She obviously hadn’t wanted him to know.

“But she still needs support. It’s only been eight months. What about her therapy?”

“There’s an amazing therapist I referred her to who works with clients via Skype,” Lacey told him. “She has a job at the local medical center. She’s doing well, Curt.”

Without me.

He sat, feeling stunned, and realized there was some part of him that thought she would need him. That thought she would come to him again. Ask him for help.

He was such a fool. Of course, she didn’t need him. Jenna was strong. She was a survivor. She’d be fine without him.

Damn that was a blow to his ego.

“If I can continue.” Travis said, staring at him. Was that a hint of sympathy in his gaze?

“What evidence is there against her father?” Curt asked. “How do you know about all of this?”

“I know one of the lead investigators on his case. He called me to give me a heads up.”

“Why? You’ve got nothing to do with Jenna,” Curt said suspiciously.

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