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“I assume he’s waiting in the car,” she said. “I’ve tried to tell him he should go get a coffee and something to eat while he’s waiting for me. He must get so bored, but I don’t think he ever does.”

“In the car? How the fuck is he supposed to guard you if he’s in the car?”

She jolted at the harsh note in his voice and realized this was one of the few times she’d ever heard him swear around her.

“As far as I know, he’s not supposed to be guarding me.” She studied him closely. “But now I think I’ve been an idiot; he’s obviously no ordinary driver.”

“You’re not an idiot. Your father is. Hans has skills even the military doesn’t know about, but how is he supposed to use them to protect yo

u if he’s limited to driving you around? What was your father thinking?”

“I imagine he was thinking he didn’t want to upset me. I told him I didn’t want a bodyguard.”

“That’s just tough then, isn’t it? Considering that’s exactly what Hans is. From now on, he accompanies you everywhere.”


“No?” He gaped at her, clearly in shock.

She had to hold back a smile. “You sound like you’ve never heard the word before.”

“Oh, I’ve heard it. Just not aimed at me when I give an order. Everyone usually obeys.”

“Guess I’m not everyone then.”

As they spoke that knot in her stomach lessened. That feeling of never being safe, of always being on guard dissipated. Around Curt, she felt like nothing could touch her. Even Hans, who was always on alert and looked like he could face down a tornado and come out unscathed, didn’t induce these feelings of security in her.

“Damn it, Jenna. You’re going to let Hans do his job. It’s why I recommended him to your father. To keep you safe.”

A feeling of happiness filled her. Maybe he’d been avoiding her. But at least he’d cared enough to send Hans to her.

“Your father wanted to hire me, but I couldn’t do it. I knew Hans was coming off a job so I recommended him.”

That feeling of happiness abruptly faded. He hadn’t had time for her so he’d sent his friend to do the job? Because she wasn’t worth his time?

Stupid. Stupid. Why did she always let herself think she was more important to him than she really was?

“If you’ll excuse me, it’s been a long day, and Hans will be waiting for me.”

“Wait, Jenna.” He reached out and touched her hand, and she had to fight to hide her reaction to his touch, the shiver that raced across her body. How was it possible for her to feel arousal after everything she’d remembered today? She felt so raw, exposed, and vulnerable.

“Come for a drink with me.” There was a gentle note to his voice. As though he could tell she was near the breaking point.

“I don’t know,” she whispered.

“Please,” he added.

She snorted. “Not sure I’ve heard you use that word before.”

He grinned. “No, but it’s a word I hear often.”

“I bet. Curt, I’m not really up to being around other people.”

“No other people. Just me. We’ll go to my place, have a drink, and you can tell me how things are going with you.”

Damn it. She should say no. But he was like a sweet treat being offered after a month of dieting. And she’d never been good at resisting temptation.


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