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He looked around, expecting to see Brye. “Who’s taking you home?”

“I’m getting myself home.”

“No, you’re not,” he told her sternly. “The doctor said you’re not to drive. Who’s supposed to be picking you up and why aren’t they here already?”

“For a guy who thought everyone was too nosy in this town, you’ve sure become as meddlesome and bossy as they rest of the men around here.”

“Why, thank you, I do believe that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

She scowled at him. “It wasn’t a compliment.”

“If you hadn’t been fooling around on that dirt bike and doing moves you weren’t supposed to be doing, you wouldn’t have broken your foot.”

She rolled her eyes. “Like I haven’t thought of that.”

“I think someone needs a spanking.”

Her jaw dropped.

“I might suggest that to Brye. Hey, Brye,” he called out as the other man approached.

“Don’t you dare,” Melody hissed.

He smiled, enjoying himself. He’d definitely misjudged this town. The men really did look out for the women, and those same women gave them a run for their money. And he liked being a part of that. It gave him a sense of belonging. Of family.

“Melody, I told you to wait in the waiting room until I came for you,” Brye scolded with a frown.

Melody sighed then she gave Curt a wary look. “Sorry.”

Curt winked at her then walked into the clinic to find his wife standing by the reception desk, smiling at something Hannah was telling her. She turned with a smile. “Hey, you.”

“Hey, baby.” He took her into his arms and kissed her.

“Bags are in the truck, and we’re ready to go,” he said.

“I’m going to miss you.” Hannah pouted.

“We’re only going to the city for a few days,” Jenna said with a smile.

Hannah smiled. “I hope the meeting with the adoption agency goes well.”

“So do we.” Jenna gave him a look filled with such hope he knew that if the adoption thing didn’t work out they’d find another way to make their wish come true.

They made their way out to his truck, and he helped her into the passenger side, brushing a kiss across her lips before climbing into the driver’s seat.

Jenna slipped her hand into his as they drove through Haven. He waved at people then slowed to let two older women cross the street.

“I called my mother and let her know we’re coming to visit.” Jenna’s mother had moved into a smaller house, close to her sister. While she didn’t have the life she once had, she seemed to be getting stronger as a person. She was even talking about getting a part-time job. Hendricks had lost his job with the FBI and disappeared to God knew where. If Curt hadn’t been so happy he might have thought about going after the bastard. Travis was still moping over the fact The Brit had killed himself, but Curt was relieved he was no longer a threat to Jenna. Marshall was ecstatic as he’d ended up getting a promotion after claiming responsibility for finding the fugitive.

“You got a letter today, baby.”

“I did?”

He reached into his pocket and handed it over, unsure if now was the right time. But if her father wanted to see her then they had time this weekend.

“It’s from Dad, isn’t it?”

“Think so. Want me to pull over?”

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