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Eyes wide, she hurried to obey him. She knelt then bent over the bench, turning her head so her cheek rested on the cool, padded top. She blinked back tears. Had she disappointed him? Why had she pulled her top up? It wasn’t like the majority of people in here had their boobs, and more, showing.

“Sir, can I help?” a female voice asked. Jenna stiffened. Who was that? Why were they speaking to Curt? Worry and insecurity whirled inside her, making her feel ill.

“I left my bag at reception, could you retrieve it please,” he spoke in a low voice. “It has the name Curt Nolan on it.”

“Yes, Sir, straight away.”

She let out the breath she’d been holding.

“Spread your legs,” he ordered.

She attempted to part them but her skirt was too tight. Curt pushed it up over her ass. Oh hell, could she do this?

“Easy, darlin’,” he told her patting her ass lightly. “Just a small punishment for a small infraction. But you need to learn to obey your Dom. When I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed to the letter. Your job isn’t to worry about what others think or see. It’s to worry about me. What I want. What I expect, understand?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m so sorry.”

“Here you are, Sir,” a female voice said.

“Thank you,” Curt replied to the waitress. She heard him unzip his bag. She’d seen the big black bag when he’d carried it in from his truck but she had no idea what was inside. Did she dare look?

“Don’t move, Jenna,” he ordered. “You’re getting ten spanks. Five with my hand. Five with the paddle. Move, and you’ll get more. With what you have coming soon, you’re going to want these to be as few as possible.”

Oh, fuck.

Before she could reply, his hand landed on her ass with a loud smack. Holy shit. That was harder than anything she’d experienced from him before. And he was going to hit her with a paddle? The next four smacks followed quickly. Tears filled her eyes, but they had more to do with the fact that she’d disappointed him than from the pain, although that wasn’t insubstantial.

The paddle landed next. And shit! If she’d thought his hand was hard, then the paddle was next level. The burn filled her, making her cry out as it seared her skin. Before she could even process what had happened, the paddle landed again and again. Five heavy smacks that stole her breath. By the time she’d realized he’d stopped, tears were streaming down her face and her breath was coming in sharp sobs.

Curt ran his hand up and down her back. “Easy, baby. All done now. You were such a good girl, you took your punishment so well. I’m proud of you. No, just stay there a minute longer,” he told her when she went to move.

She cringed, wondering if anyone was looking. Crap, being naked and vulnerable in front of others was even harder than expected.

Curt leaned in and kissed away her tears. Then he crouched so they were eye-le

vel and he studied her.

“I’m s-sorry for d-disappointing you.”

“Sh.” He ran his hand through her hair. “You’re still learning, which is why your punishment was so light.”

That was light?

“I was just h-having trouble w-with…”

“Being on display? Being naked in front of others?”


“I know. That’s why you’re not allowed to pull your top up until I give permission.”

She closed her eyes. Jesus, help her.

“Jenna, look at me.”

She opened her eyes, expecting to see him looking angry or upset. But there was a kind patience in his eyes. “I know this is hard. And it makes me happier than you can know that you’re obeying me right now. That you’re letting me push you.” He pushed a strand of hair off her face. “You have no reason to be embarrassed. You’re beautiful and I want to show you off. I’m not going to leave you, I’ll stay right beside you the whole time, all right?”

She nodded. “All right. I’m sorry, Curt.”

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