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As she clamped down around him, he pulled back, giving her a sharp smack on the ass. “No coming.”

Her face was flushed, her breathing heavy as she stared up at him with dazed eyes.


He had to work hard to keep his face stern. Damn, she was cute when she was frustrated.

He ran his finger down her nose. “If you’re good I might give you permission to come at some stage tonight. But you’ll have to be very, very good.”

She stared at him in disbelief, her bottom lip dropping open. He tapped his finger against her chin. “Keep that mouth closed or I’ll find something to fill it. I have a very nice ball gag that I’ve been saving for you.”

Her eyes widened. So far, he hadn’t used many toys. That was going to change tonight.

“You wouldn’t.”

He chuckled. “Darlin’ you have no idea what’s in store for you tonight.”

Darlin’ you have no idea what’s in store for you tonight.

Jenna looked out the truck window the beautiful old house painted dark gray with white trim and a wide, wrap-around porch. If you were just driving past, you’d have no idea that it housed a BDSM club. The carpark was located around the back, the front lawn beautifully manicured. Curt maneuvered his truck around the back.

She swallowed heavily. She’d been to Saxons often and other than those first few times, she’d never been this nervous. Her hands were actually sweaty, she was slightly light-headed, her heart racing too fast, her breathing shallow and quick. Maybe it was because she was going to play for real tonight. Maybe it was because this would be her first time at a club with Curt.

“Jenna? Jenna, look at me.” She startled as she heard Curt speak, turning to him. The parking lot was well lit and it wasn’t hard to make out his face. His gaze narrowed as he studied her. “Shit, you’re freaking out.”

Reaching over, he grasped hold of her hands in his. “Listen to me, Jenna. Big, slow breaths. Come on, breathe in. Then out. In again.”

She followed his directions and her heart rate slowly returned to normal, the dizziness fading. Curt rubbed his thumbs over the backs of her hands.

“Better now, baby?”

Jesus, how embarrassing. She couldn’t believe she’d had a panic attack because Curt was going to spank her ass in front of a room full of people. Actually, when she put it like that, she could believe it.

“Sorry,” she told him. “Bit nervous.”

He snorted. “A bit? More like you’re in a full panic. We’re going home.” He turned on the truck.

“What? No.” She reached over and grasped hold of his thigh with her hand, squeezing. Damn, the man was rock hard with muscle. “I’m acting like an idiot.”

“You’re terrified. A little bit of fear is good, but scared to death is not. That is the last thing I want. If the idea of going inside makes you panic, how do you think you’ll react once we get started? I’m not here to force you to do things you don’t want to do.”

“I thought you Doms liked to push boundaries.”

“Yeah, we like to push them. We don’t like to bulldoze our way through them.”

“Curt, please, I’m ready for this. It’s just…”

“Just what?”

“I’m not sure what’s making me so nervous. It could be that I’ve never done anything but watch, or that I know people here and they’re going to see me…you know…”

“Get your butt spanked.”

Yeah, that.

“Or that I don’t know what’s going to happen.” She looked over at him. “I trust you, though. And I want to do this. With you. Please, Curt.”

He was quiet for a long moment and she held her breath, certain he was going to drive them home. Then he turned off the truck, turning to her slightly. She let out a deep breath.

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