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When we pull up to a warehouse, I start to shake, knowing who is going to be inside. I came so close to having it all, but he’s going to take it all from me. I don’t understand why he’s so fixated on me. I should stop trying. He’s crazy and there is no understanding crazy.

They both get out of the cruiser. Bull opens my door, reaching in for me and pulling me out hard. I fall into him. I try and jerk away, but he doesn’t let me.

“Don’t,” Alex tells him, catching me by surprise. I look up into Bull’s dark eyes and see his lust there. “He said no fondling. Besides, you already have to take an ass kicking so it looks like we got jumped. Don’t give them a reason to make it worse for you.” Bull’s hard-on digs into me. I have to fight to not gag, knowing it would make him mad. He holds my stare for another moment.

“She’d almost be worth it. I think I’m starting to see the appeal.” He gives a smirk before letting me go. “Walk.” He points towards a large metal door. I glance around knowing there is no other option. If I tried to run, they’d catch me easily and there’s no one around to hear me scream either.

I do as I’m told. When I reach the door I push it open. It’s heavy and makes a loud scratching sound as I do. I glance back at the two cops who stay behind me but don’t follow.

“In you go,” Alex tells me. I don’t know what’s scarier: staying here and begging them to not make me go inside, or actually going inside. At least with my uncle I know what’s coming. I’ve fought him off before. Though I don’t think he thought I’d had it in me then. Now he knows. He’ll be better prepared.

I step inside and the smell of mold and rusted metal engulfs me. The door slams shut behind me. I don’t have to go far in before I see my uncle. He turns to look at me, a smirk pulling at his mouth. Sasha is standing next to him, done up as always. Her heels look so out of place in the dirty old warehouse. She gives me the look of death. She has a hold of Harry’s arm.

“Harry. Please. Don’t do this. I love you,” she pleads with him, pulling on him. He ignores her. I’m not even sure he notices her hanging onto him.

“Knock it off,” he tells her, but his eyes stay trained on me. “He took her from me all those years ago. She may not be her, but if you ask me, she’s even more beautiful,” Harry says in awe as his eyes travel over me.

“She’s dead!” Sasha yells at Harry. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard her speak to him in any other tone than sweet or efficient. His head jerks away from me to look down at her, as surprised as I am. Maybe he didn’t know she had it in her. I did. She used it on me often. “She was a stupid girl who did stupid things and wound up dead because of it!”

I have no idea who either of them are talking about, but Harry’s face turns angry right before he backhands her. The smack is so loud I flinch. She stumbles back, falling onto the dirty floor and holding her cheek as tears leak down her face, ruining her perfect makeup. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. If anyone knows what kind of man Harry is, it’s her. She’s as crazy as he is for wanting to be with him.

“You don’t speak about Barbara like that.” The use of my mother’s name shocks me. “She was confused. She didn’t know that I was the better choice! I could have gotten her to stay!” he yells. “Why would she choose him over me? I was better than him at everything.” Anger and confusion fill his words. I don’t think he’s talking to us anymore. More to himself. I know he’s talking about my father.

His eyes snap back to me. I take a step back, clenching my hands at my sides and trying to get the shaking to stop. “Who would want your father?” He shakes his head. “She picked him. She was to be mine, but then she got pregnant!” he shouts. His eyes drift off as if he’s recalling the past. I know now why neither my uncle or father wanted to talk about my mother. The real reason my uncle moved away. They’d fought over a woman. My mother.

“Did you kill her?” I ask. That’s not a question I thought I’d ask when I tried to get information on her, but here we are. I’m tangled in a mess that isn’t even my own. Now he looks at me like I’m the crazy one.

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